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Something is up with my eagle eyes


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Mouths look bigger, n i think theres something dark maybe a lil blue growing on one of the polyps

they were recently put undering a much less intense light due to a bulb burning out n me not being able to fine a replacement

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i would if i had a cam, ill see what i can do


its only on one poylp right now, but id rather not let it spread

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Iodine dip first day....If that doesnt work then Furan 2 dip the next day. Dont wait more than a day from the first appearance of the problem and never dip in anything besides tank water, freshwater is a mistake for diseases. Also, add an air stone to the dip to get it flowing around the zoas.


As far as concentrations, I use about a cup of water and add seachem reef dip until the water is an amber color, and paint a little around the sick zoas too. 5-10 mins wont hurt anything.


For the Furan 2, I use about a half capsule to the same amount....You can sue as much as you want up to one capsule, just remember the more concentrated it is the shorter the dip period. I wouldnt do more than 5-7 minutes is all you need.


You would be amazed at the amount of zoas I have saved using that simple game plan. I get to test it on many strains of wild colonies all the time too....I am 100% certain it does help and at the very least doesnt hurt anything.


This should be the standard treatment for sick zoas.

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what would u say is the best iodine for this?


SeeDemTails was talking about using Seachem's Reef Dip, which has iodine in it and is a good one to use. It also has instructions on the bottle.

I also like to use Lugol's iodine in the following recipe:

1 cup tankwater

1 drop Lugol's iodine

3 mins.


Both are good ones to use.

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Alright i got lugols

its Tropical Marin

and theres no directions for a dip

any suggestions?


I also like to use Lugol's iodine in the following recipe:

1 cup tankwater

1 drop Lugol's iodine

3 mins.

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alright so they dont look 100% better still n its been a while since a dipped

should i dip agian?



If you're not seeing an improvement, try 1 1/2 cups tankwater with 2 drops Lugol's for 3-5 mins.

Do that for 2 days in a row.

If that doesn't work, you can try a Furan-2 dip. Many LFS will carry Furan-2.

For this dip, dissolve 1 tablet or 1 packet Furan-2 in 1 cup tankwater and stir to mix well. Water will be an awful yellow-green color. This is normal, don't worry.

Dip for 15-30 mins and rinse before returning to tank.

This dip can, and possibly should, be repeated for 3 days in a row.

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Yes, dip them again, you should be dipping daily if you dont see improvement.


I would skip straight to the Furan 2 dips.

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