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Yellow Clown Gobie


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Hey everyone,

I just got a yellow clown gobie from the lfs 3 days ago. The only problem it's not eating.  I have tried flakes, regular shrimp, brine, and mysis.  I saw him eat 1 mysis shrimp and thats about it.  Any suggesions on what else he might like?  Thanks in advance.


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I have a green clown goby and he loves flakes.  Before I bought him though I made the clerk at my LFS drop some flakes in by him to prove he would take them.  If I were you I would stick to Mysis and gradually work him over to flakes.

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jchindo, is it a yellow clown goby (citron) or is it a yellow gum drop goby? -LFS get them mixed up all the time... If there are lines in the face it is a citron... If it is a gum-drop, I can tell you from experiance that they will not chase food, and prefer to let the food practically fall into their mouths (don't ask me how they survive in nature). They often swim up towards the food as if they are going to chase it and then halt waiting for the food to travel dirctly in front of their face... Best advice I can give is to use a disposible pipette to put the food closer to the fish, also shut off the pumps durring feeding (this will allow the food to stay in fron of him for a longer period of time). They almost have the same feeding behavior as and angler (i.e. the waiting until the food comes to them); however, unlike the angler they will put themselves in the path of the food if it is comming from a specific location...

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