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Yay! I am so excited--tomorrow I'm going to get my tank! There is only one problem. The 30 gallon (option #1) is long and flat compared to the 28 gallon bowfront (option #2). Both are glass, even though I thought you couldn't bend glass... I like the bowfront a lot better, but most of the fish I want to get (clowns, royal gramma, sixline wrasse) are supposed to have a minimum tank of 30 gallons. Would two gallons really matter??


Thanks. I need a reply asap because I'm going tomorrow!



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Nah...fish tank sizes are generally rules of thumb...lord knows most people keeping nanos are keeping fish under "cramped" conditions (whatever that means..as far as I'm concerned..my melanopus would be happy in a goldfish bowl of water with his anemone..he barely ever leaves the damn thing). Go with the tank you find more aesthetically pleasing...just remember that deeper tanks=more lighting!



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Liveaquaria.com and Marinedepotlive.com are good sources of info, but I don’t think you will find any fish with a recommended tank size smaller than 20-gallons. Use them as guides; obviously you shouldn’t put a fish in a 5.5 that has a recommended size of 50-gallons. However many fish recommended for 30-gallon tanks will be happy in something much smaller (given it isn’t overcrowded by other fish or LR). Some fish just need enough hiding places. Just don’t overstock; the water chemistry of smaller tanks can get out of whack even faster than bigger tanks.


The two-gallon difference is almost negligible. Bowfronts are cool, I’d get what you like best. However, Deimos is right, if you will be keeping live corals, you’ll need more light (watts) in a taller tank to get adequate lighting to the bottom. This shouldn’t be a problem though, as there are many lighting options for either tank.

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Alright everyone, bowfront it is! I promise to post pics when I FINALLY have everything set up :happy: Muchas gracias as always...



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