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Yellow Clown Goby sick


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I bought two yellow clown gobies last Thursday, 14/2/2008, one small and one large.

Both of the gobies are fine untill Sunday, 17/2/2008. The small one disappear (haven't seen him till now) and the large one seems to be breathing heavily and there are a few bumps/wart like thing on its body.


Does anyone ever have the same problem with their clown goby?

Any recommendation what happen and what to do?


I have an 80L tank.

All the water parameters are fine. *ph = 8.1, salinity = 1.021, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate all normal*

I have done more test from 3 LFS and all have the same results.


I suspect it might be bacterial or fungal infection.

It seems like when I put fish in my tank it will die within a week.

Are there any medications that can be used with coral in the tank?

I don't have any QT tank.



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In addition, the temp is between 25.5 - 27.5 C.

I don't have air stone. I use the pump and have some part of it sticking out of the water surface to create air bubble.


Could it be caused by not enough dissolved oxygen in the water?


I am really confused now and can't figure out what is causing this problem.

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Chaotic Passion

What are you feeding them? I had a Yellow Clown Goby and he was a super finicky eater. He was also sort of sick for the first few days I had him because of it.

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What are you feeding them? I had a Yellow Clown Goby and he was a super finicky eater. He was also sort of sick for the first few days I had him because of it.


I feed them frozen brine or mysis shrimp. They were eating ok until the wart like thing starting to appear.

I have been soaking the food with garlic this past two days. However, it doesn't seem to eat much anymore.

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Chaotic Passion

You said it looks like warts, yes? Maybe it's Lymphocystis, kinda a type of external tumor. I'd need to see a picture of your fish for sure, but that's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that is described as 'warts' :mellow:

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You said it looks like warts, yes? Maybe it's Lymphocystis, kinda a type of external tumor. I'd need to see a picture of your fish for sure, but that's the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that is described as 'warts' :mellow:


Thanks for all your reply.


Any suggestion on how to treat it?

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Chaotic Passion

For Lymphocystis? Hmm... there isn't really any sure cure for it. It usually happens when fished are stressed, the end up refusing to eat. Are they small white growths kinda clustery-like on their fins and skin? If it is Lymphocystis it's starts out like that and looks like Itch but later it gets all clumpy-like together on the fishes skin, fins, and gills kinda looks like calliflower at that point. I know that some people get surgery done on it if it's super serious, but I'm not sure how that'd work out really. You said the fish was breathing heavy and odd, sometimes the spots make it hard for fish to swim, breathe or eat, and it could kill them.


Usually the best cure is a weekly bacteria treatment and it should slowly reduce it. It could take a really long time for it to work though. Best try and keep your fishies stress free and happy to help the process along.


I hope that helps.

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For Lymphocystis? Hmm... there isn't really any sure cure for it. It usually happens when fished are stressed, the end up refusing to eat. Are they small white growths kinda clustery-like on their fins and skin? If it is Lymphocystis it's starts out like that and looks like Itch but later it gets all clumpy-like together on the fishes skin, fins, and gills kinda looks like calliflower at that point. I know that some people get surgery done on it if it's super serious, but I'm not sure how that'd work out really. You said the fish was breathing heavy and odd, sometimes the spots make it hard for fish to swim, breathe or eat, and it could kill them.


Usually the best cure is a weekly bacteria treatment and it should slowly reduce it. It could take a really long time for it to work though. Best try and keep your fishies stress free and happy to help the process along.


I hope that helps.


Thanks for the advise.


I will get a bacteria treatment and pray that everything will be fine. Fortunately, there is no other fishes yet in the tank.

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