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28W 50/50 pc light 10gl.-what can I put in besides LR ?


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10 gl. 28 watt 50/50 PC lighting.

Ok, I know it's not enough lighting for the reef just yet, but I will be up grading to a 96W PC in a few months. Kinda consumed with the 55gl. fowlr at this point in time. I thought that this would be a great way to approach and master the art of corals before venturing with corals in the big tank.

:) .My question is: What can I put in this tank for the time being? Any suggestions on dusters, low light corals, mushrooms, etc. that would not be harmed by the low light.

Thanks in advance to all that help!!!!!!

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Shrooms and GSP are 2 low-light corals that I can think of off the top of my head. There are a few more, do a search here or at RC. Zoos also?


The sun coral is non-photosynthetic, but you'll have to feed it every few days.


Dusters are non-photosyn, its actually a worm! Anything non-photosyn is OK, but that means you'll have to feed it more regularly.


You could always get $5 frags and experiment if you're not sure. Position (height) placement also makes some difference.

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