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Cultivated Reef

How much live rock does this look like?


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How much live rock do you think is in this tank? It is 125 Gallon tank. I recently bought the rock from someone and am unsure about the poundage that he gave me. ;)


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How much live rock do you think is in this tank? It is 125 Gallon tank. I recently bought the rock from someone and am unsure about the poundage that he gave me. ;)


meerrr 2something

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really hard to say... move from the right over and consolidate it with the rock from the left and cut the tank in half, and it would just about fill-up a 60g tank... so depending on density i'd say 70-90lbs.

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Its impossible to take a guess at that because different types of rocks have different densities. That could be 80 lbs of one rock or 150 lbs of another.

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I was just wondering what everyone thought because the guy said it was 100+ but I weighed it by holding each piece and subtracting my weight on a bathroom scale and it only came out to be 42 lbs. I thought this was kind of strange since it looked like more...

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