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Coral Vue Hydros

Fish Disease You Could Catch


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  • 2 weeks later...

yah, so I'm clearing out my old FW system in my 75gal tank last night. I'm removing the gravel and the undergravel filter plate. As I try to push off the stuck gravel in the holes of the filter plate, I must've cut my finger open, only realizing it about 3 minutes later. All the mean while my open wound was takin a swim in that bacteria infested gunk in the remaining 1/2" of water. I ran upstairs and washed it off real good and dumped about a gallon of H2O2 on it. Today it's really sore but doesn't appear to be infected. But with my luck in a month it'll start mutating into that diseaseX) Oh well, at least I know what to tell the doc now if that happens;)

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Moral of the story - "your tank looks fine, quit sticking you're hands in it!"


BTW - Mycobacterium is the same bacterial family as TB!!!!! *cough* Germs are everywhere (including TB, strep, staph, etc). As long as you practice good hygiene (I.E. clean your reef wounds when they happen and not later the next day when you get a shower), the odds are WAY remote!

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Yep. Best practice after sticking your hands in your tank is a thorough cleaning with warm water and antibacterial soap.

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