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New JBJ Nano-Cube product


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I've seen that. It looks cool. I'd rather just have the tank though or at least without the filtration section in the back. I wonder if that can be removed? That takes up some tank space and I'd just hang a small CPR Aquafuge on there to increase the volume 2.6 gallons. I want a glass tank that's no more than 15" wide for my desk and this may be a good option. Anywhere online to get one?



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I would like to see the Day when someone sets up a true, mass market, Nano tank. Kinda like a Chris Marks special with appropriate lighting. This JBJ set up looks Substandard.

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How about a link to this online site? That is pretty cool I saw them a while back and figured it would be in the $199 range.

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Christopher Marks
Originally posted by Jahkaya

I would like to see the Day when someone sets up a true, mass market, Nano tank.  Kinda like a Chris Marks special with appropriate lighting.  This JBJ set up looks Substandard.


My sentiments exactly. I wish I was able to do it.

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I emailed them some questions yesterday and still no response. I realize it's only been a day but I can't stand companies that offer an email address for questions and then never answer them.



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I saw the one at the Hidden Reef. Looks beautiful. Thing I'm thinking about, though, is why pay that much when you have to make so many modifications? I'm also surprised that they market the built-in wet/dry filter. Do that many people still use them? I would have thought a better marketing tool would have been to design a built in fuge like was mentioned above. It looks cool, but I don't like how the curved corners make it difficult to see at certain angles.

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Wow, maybe the JBJ guys read these posts sometimes. Within 2 hours of posting that I haven't heard from them I got this response:


Hello Scott,


thank you for your interest in our line of Nano Cube Aquariums. Unfortunately, the 12 gallon tanks come with a built-in wet dry filtration system towards the back of the aquarium. The lighting is also standard and cannot be removed without voiding the warranty.





Online Customer Care

(310) 672-7261 - fax



I guess I got the standard answers because I basically knew that already. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. Here was my email:




I'm considering the purchase of a Nano Cube and have some questions:


-Can the filter section/partition be removed from the back? I have a separate refugium/sump and I would rather have the extra tank space. I understand that part of the side walls will not be glass but the back of the tank will mostly be aquascaped with LR so this is not an issue.


-Can the tank be purchased alone without the hood and filtration? I would be using a MH pendant with it for SPS and really don't need those parts.


The size of the tank is perfect for where I want to put it, hopefully I can customize it for my needs. Thank you for any info,




I didn't expect much in answers on the modifying stuff and it was a reach but I hoped there may be a tank only part # available. It's still a cool little tank but I'm going to wait until I see one in person so I know if I can hack some modifications to it. At $99, who cares about voiding the warranty on the hood and filter. How bad can you screw up the tank part? That's all I'm concerned with.



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if you gut it and beef up the ballast/bulb you're risking two things


1. tank overheating

2. melting the plastic


so drill and pop fans.



as for "mass market nanos," what types of people do you think would purchase such a system? i smell dying coral. besides, isn't half the fun researching the parts and hunting down the pieces anyway? :P


moreover, i don't think some "universally groovy" tank like that can be created. everyone puts different things in their tank and so every tank is going to need different specs if you want what's in it to be "happy."

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OK - so now we know that it is not a perfect product for every posssiable situations.


I am looking for something easy to use and having clean lines without any HOB products.


Without any major changes - What would be a good use for this setup? What would be happy in this tank?

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I like the design....thank you...thank you very much ....for posting Elvis


I've seen several of these at shops around town...always by the register...and always jam-packed with lots of colorful corals, so they must work alright.


If you got rid of the filter in back, you'd have lots o space behind that partition to hide a heater....chiller probe...carbon media bags.....extra water pumps. you could maybe drill a couple holes in the partition so that just the pump nozzle or a flexible ball socket flare nozzle pops thru, leaving the pump hidden.


As much as I think an all-in-one mini-reef package would be cool, i think they would be as popular as the Macintosh....only 5% of the market would dig it and the rest would still prefer making their own modifications/upgrades as they need them over time.

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