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Cultivated Reef

Botryocladia Skottsbergii aka Red Valonia


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I have this red bubble algae starting to grow everywhere on my LR and pumps etc. I really dont have any other kinda of algae in my tank so dont know where this outbreak is coming from?? My tank has been running well over 1yr. I keep up with water changes every week and maintence tank like im suppose to...What could cause this type algae and how can i get rid or control it?? I have read a lil bit about it but just wondering if anyone has had exprience with this type algae and if there is a way to fight it/ get rid of it.





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I've had it in my tank since about day 1. It is super annoying and I know of no way to get rid of it. I've heard that it is a "good algae" but its a PIA if you ask me. I've picked it off, have an emerald crab, pulled the rocks out and scrubbed it off. It always comes back so I guess I'll live with it.


I would be very interested in finding out how to get rid of it.

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