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Scarlet Reef vs Red Leg Hermit


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Since I seem to easily get confused about what is the same thing and what isn't in this hobby....


Are scarlet reef hermits the same thing as red leg hermits?

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No, although Scarlets can be sold as red leggeds. Here's what I've always associated with red legged hermits:



I have no idea why they're called red legged hermits, but thats what I've always been told they are. They also go by Mexican red legged or Cortez Red legged hermits.


Scarlets are bright bright red with white specs around their face.

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Thats a scarlet in your pic. I like them most of all the hermits. They may not be as good of a scavenger as some others but they are much gentler on each other as well as my corals. Mine dont throw frags around like blue legs or red legs did. I hate blue leg hermits, they are distructive savages. I say...get scarlets if your going to have any hermits at all.

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Well, I already have 3 blue legs and they are doing a pretty good job at getting the hair algae under control, at least on the rocks they've visited in the last week. I'm going to add 2 scarlets this weekend and then let it go for a while to see if they can get the algae under control.


Current CUC:

3 blue leg

3 cerith

3 nassarius

1 peppermint (not CUC, but he's cool)

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I agree with the blue legs being destructive. I have (or had) a nice colony of green and yellow zoas growing over a branching coral rock and they've successfully knocked polyps off of it. And now I have a hard time placing the broken polyps because they continually knock them over in the tank. <_<

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i had an awesome scarlet... now a blue-legged hermit is wear its shell and the scarlet is missing... and im still bummed... sorry had to vent

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wow all the blue legged hate

i have a 3g going n i actually have 3 diff kinds in that

i have a blue leg, a red and a zebra

i like them all

zebras are quick and interesting

blues are very colorfull


i have some white legs i nmy bigger tank, i dont like them at all

if i ever get a mantis, i plan to let them be the main course :lol::P


speaking of that, i had the idea to try to get maybe 1 or 2 hermts for keepers into a mantis tank

maybe some of the bigger ones like the electric blue or the hallowween

will they get eating like the rest or do they stand a chance?

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In time, you'll learn to hate blue legs too. Just wait till it destroys your snail population, not because it wants the shell, but just because its hungry.

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In time, you'll learn to hate blue legs too. Just wait till it destroys your snail population, not because it wants the shell, but just because its hungry.


Blues dont bother snails if there is enough food available as well as empty shells to try on. We have 9 in 2 tanks and havent had any issues with our blue leggs.


All crabs as well as most marine species are oportunistic, if their needs arent met they will take what they need.

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Unfortunately I didn't get some empty shells fast enough. I wake up this morning to find one of my blue legs finishing up evicting one of my ceriths. DARN IT! Now I need to buy another one!

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I'm an SPS keeper, no softies at all.


Scarlet and blue legs barely move or eat compared to my zebra.


I've had scarlet hermits sit in literally the same place for weeks at a time.


The zebra grows like a beast and moves very fast. Needless to say, he's my favorite. (Although I do keep plenty of scarlet ones)


None of them harm the SPS.

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I've had scarlet hermits sit in literally the same place for weeks at a time.


ditto -- i have a scarlet sitting in a fork of a branching frogspawn and he's been there for almost a week. not dead, just... catatonic. :P

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Militant Jurist

My scarlet must have been cross-bred with a bat at some point... he'll sit in the same place all day, and half of the time, that "place" is on the underside of one of my live rocks! I'll have to get a picture of it one of these days...

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ditto -- i have a scarlet sitting in a fork of a branching frogspawn and he's been there for almost a week. not dead, just... catatonic. :P


Erm, you might wish to constantly check out on it. I got some scarlets in the past and all of them loved to sit on my frogspawns. I was like, "gosh, so cute!" and let them be. A few weeks passed, one of the hermits pushed his shell so far into the branch and broke it off from the trunk. And another hermit sat all the way up to the frogspawn head. The head got stressed and withered off. Just my experiences with these guys...

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