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3 Month old nano, need some help


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Hello all, 1st time poster, long time lurker


I have a 10 gal nano with an eclipse 1 hood and a 36w 50/50 power compact. In the tank I have about 15 lbs. live rock and a 20lbs. black argonite sand bed. My livestock consists of a peppermint shrimp, scarlet hermit crap, a "normal" hermit, a small yellow tank and a small maroon clown. I also have what I think is a small kenya tree coral. My question is my yellow tang is very people shy, but extremely active when he thinks no one is around. I would like to have more active fish in my tank. My local LFS store said yellow tangs are schooling fish and that maybe more fish would make him less apprehensive. Should I remove my maroon clown and get some smaller mates for my yellow tang? or should I sell back both? I can attach pictures if needed. Thanks!

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Well I'll play the straight guy anyway and tell you to ditch both the tang and maroon clown. They are too big for a 10 gallon tank.


You may return to flaming now.



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Thank you jdsabin1, I was thinking along those lines. I was thinking maybe a firefish and a dusky jawfish instead.

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Give me another shot of the tank with your hand halfway in the picture please- I want to make sure you arent just stealing someone's stupid pictres and posting them here to get jolly or something. If not- just give atleast the tang back to the store because he will/already has outgrown your tank. BTW that looks alittle tall to be a 10 gallon big guy. Looks like we have a liar liar pantson fire here! YOU LOSE!!!



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HOLY ######! MAN! you were for real! well, props for standing up and shooting shots, but man, that is crazy. Take them both back now!

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Ok well...hmm..ok I dont win this battle- but you still lose in the long run. Get rid o those fish before some tang police fanatic comes and rips your head off. Really I could care less- I mean he looks pretty healthy and if you have a ton of LR an a skimmer on it I am sure he will theoretically live. But I doubt he will be very happy with his cramped living area. Your choice - Have fundefending yourself!



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"Have fun defending yourself!" What is that supposed to mean. In my original post I stated I wanted to take one or both of them back. I know in the long run, the tang will become stressed. Maybe I should have asked, What are good fish for a 10gal reef system? Or If I keep the small clown, what other fish could I put in there with him?

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I am not sure bashing Pedro is going to accomplish anything at this point. The bottom line is that those fish do not belong in a 10 gallon tank .. period.


A false perc, a royal gramma, clown goby, or a neon goby would all be fine choices (not ALL of them but one maybe two perhaps would be perfectly acceptable).


Anyway, welcome to the board Pedro and don't sweat the jabs in this thread. Sometimes when cardinal rules in nano-reefing are broken (too many or too large of fish for example) people get pretty excited about it.



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Orange Crush

maroon clowns grow way too big for a 5 gal. if you want a clown (or two) go ocellaris or percula.


and people, be nice. he's looking for help.

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Well- then take them back. When I had a 10 gal I had a royal gramma and a 6 line wrasse. Those two would have some good times swimming in your aquscaping- whick is spectacular from whati have seen. Can I get a full tank shot since you are doing requests?



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He said have fun defending yourself because obviously you havent done any research on the fish you have just "plopped" into your little tank. Tangs need at least 70 gal if not more. Plus that doesnt even look like a small tang. The maroon clown can live in there for awhile but then you shouldnt add anymore fish if he is in there. He will be very aggressive to any other appropriately sized fish put in there now. Its my opinion you should take back the tang as soon as possible and it would be better if you took the clown back too. Go for a smaller clown species if you like them and a goby of some sort.

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I hope that a goby couldn't escape the eclipse hood, that would be quite a feat! I'll take the clown and tang back. I'll be sad to see them go but its for the best. I'll report back when I go to my LFS and tell ya what they have in stock so that I can make a decision.

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Originally posted by JJshiv

He said have fun defending yourself because obviously you havent done any research on the fish you have just "plopped" into your little tank.  


Nice description. For some reason I laughed when I read that.

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