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5.5g new start


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just bought a 20k ushio bulb for the tank, i have always loved the color of 20k plus i dont have alot of room so i dont want the corals to grow too quick haha!


Any updated pics? :D

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alright photo updates! lol nothing really has changed too much but there is some good news and some bad news....


good news... new light! (14k bulb) 20 k one is on its way



more good news, have cheato now!



a fts shot nothing too much changed just more macro from it growing, i like it now cause i have no corals yeat so it gives me something to look at lol



And finally the bad news... i have 3 astreas and 2 red tipped hermit crabs <- These hermit crabs are amazing really do a great job. But i was not able to get a pic of any of them as tehy were all hiding butttt.



My new gbg!!!!! they are shy and hiding in the back but have bonded already, they are both in the picture but it was in the back so it was a hard shot to get. I had to get them cause they lfs actually had them which is the first time i have seen them there. -Andrew

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Awesome! I actually really like the macro algae look, maybe you can just keep it as a macro tank. ;) Looks so lush, and it makes your unique tank even more unique. The light looks good too, wonder if you'll find the 20K too blue.... 14K is a really good balance IMO.


Cool on the GBG too! Looks a lot like my little RHG, and they are quite the characters. Fun to feed them - the way they eat is entertaining.


Lookin' good.

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i got a better pic of one... i also though i had a goner this morning i woke up and one was stuck in the cheato cause he went into the fuge!!!! glad hes alright need to get something that will block it off a little more


Mathias, i have been really thinking about this but i think im gonna have to go with corals too hahaha im really not sure yet on what though. The 14k is not that blue in person and the bulb has about 2 months left on it so im going to keep it in there until it needs to be changed out!

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Great pic! Glad the other one was OK. I've been wondering when this is going to happen to my wrasse too, as I have 4 toothless overflows. So far so good though. My RHG could fit through my toothed overflow in his tank too, but he's stayed away from it so far.


Lookin' great!

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Congrats on the gobies! Nice job on with that last pic.


Maybe you could stretch fish net netting over the teeth of your overflow? (Or I wonder if the gobies could go back and forth of their own accord?)



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Just stumbled upon your thread and just got done reading through. I really like these little 5.5 gallon tanks and I really liked the idea of dual sumps/refuge.


Looks like it's coming along nicely and I don't think you will have any problem keeping any coral at all in that tank with that light :)


It looks like it might be time to start trimming back some of that macro algae though. Although I love having some kinds in my tank, it's best to keep it in check and not let it take too strong of a hold in there. Just my opinion though.

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Love the gobies, think im gonna have to break my 5.5 down and try the double sump/fuge idea out seems to be working great for you. (even though i like the space of my 5.5 with a 2.5 fuge on the back.) :D

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mathias- sure enough i have saved him 2 times since then, the first two times really easy but the last was hard because i got rid of my net due to rusting. It took a good hour to get him out, used the handle of my cleaning tool. apparently i should have gotten rhgs instead hahaha.


Diane- i like the idea I'm going to have to try it out as he did it again and again. He can't find his way out plus i dont think he could get out. i got a new ric today couldn't pass it up, only decent deal i have seen around my lfs. ill take pics of it once my mom comes back with the camera.


Divecj5- i did trim them up right now half of the tank is macro and half corals...well 2 hahaha hope you follow along


Thristan- if your tanks not broken then dont fix it! hahaha good rule of thumb. The gbg gobies are greatttttttt! )tony the tiger)


Updates- Nothing too much gobies are doing well except for the male getting stuck in the fuge(i think, hes the bigger one and is always dominating the other one). I feed them daphina which they seem to like any one know if this is a good food for them as the only lfs worker i trust said they were better for them then mysis. I also went to a new fish store yesterday...had some decent things a little expensive but i did find two nice corals. a ricodia thats still developing real colors, i think its blue and green with some orange and apparently a red ricordia. I am pretty sure its not, it looks exactly like a green hairy mushroom except red. ill have to post a pic when i get the camera back. Thanks for looking - Andrew

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I just noticed you thread also and will be following along. I love the idea of the sump/fuge thing. Some day i may have to try my hand at a 5.5. Cant wait to see the new corals and pics!

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man o man woke up this morning and to no avail my male gbg was in the fuge again! I caught him last night surfing on the powerheads which is pretty funny. This time i had things to do and almost left him in there until later but i just couldnt do that. This time it probably took a minute to get him out, for some reason he kind of just accepted being caught by the handle of my algea scraper. Now if he would only accept not going into the fuge hahaha.

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i know i think im going to buy a net and use the material to cover the teeth of the overflows or use a sponge somehow, this should keep him out

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Silly fish! :D


Andrew, my gbg's eat anything. They have trouble with something that's too big, however, and that may be what your lfs worker was alluding to. IME, whole mysis are too big for them...and for my rics, for that matter (the rics will ingest them but usually "spit them out" later). Since I find mysis rather hard to chop up, I don't feed mysis very often.


I think of Daphnia as a FW organism and as such, I'm not sure it is the best for your gbg's, altho I'm sure it's fine once in a while. Other small particle things you could try are frozen Cyclopeeze and various prepared foods. My gbg's readily accept small sinking morsels. They also are adept small pod catchers.


Looking forward to pics of the new acquisitions!



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Something else my goby likes (I think GSGs and RHGs are almost identical in size and dietary needs) is, I take 2-3 small pieces, each different types of flake food, and pulverize them together almost to a powder consistency in the palm of my hand. Then I take and appropriate-sized pinch of this, and release it below the surface of the water so it sinks instead of staying on the surface. I agree on the cyclopeze too - my goby loves that.

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So things are going great in the tank now that i have fixed the problem of my gbgs going into the over flows. I corrected it by using a aquaclear sponge and putting a slit in it it and just sliding it over the teeth! so simple and i needed to get it done while i was away this weekend. I bought some cyclopezze and sure enough they do love it. Already on the male i can see a signifigant growth on the first spine of the dorsal fin...so cool and will have to get pics tonight now that the cameras back home. im planning on buying some armor of god palys for the tank and maybe a one polyped acan since there is not much room :P . As for the two corals i have now, they have colored up really well now, i do not like the placement of the ricordia but does look good from the top down. once again pics tonight!

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so i said pics so here they are! not the best though :unsure: sooner or later i will get my friend who majors in photography to come on by...probably once it is more established.



New mushroom


New Ric + hitchiker coral looks like a pirotes? cant spell haha


Male look at his first dorsal spine hard to see but much longer now


hanging out


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Your tank's looking great dub. I REALLY like the lush macro algae look. Cool ric too.


Are your overflows still effectively surface skimming with the sponges on them?


My pics were turning out really blue like that too, and I played with the white balance on my camera, and it made a big difference to bring out the real colors.

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Oooh, thanks for the new pics! Looks like a gorgeous shroom & ric. What is the hitcher you're talking about? The clump to the upper left of the ric? If so, the polyps look way too big for Porites...


Great goby shots! I'm so glad they're doing so well for you. Congrats on your ingenious sponge blockade; and I'm glad you tried the Cyclopeeze.


Things are going very well indeed!



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klarion- Thank you! I have been getting the itch latly so hopefully that will kick in soon. My LFS usually do not have anything good so im looking for a place to buy some nice palys and such. hopefully next update will be better.


14gnano- its a green banded goby, they are alot of fun to have a small little fish, sometimes i feel they are watching me and im not watching them!


Mathias- pleasure as always, the macro has been geowing like mad, even with the cheato. i have to prune it every week before a water change otherwise it startes to get crazy. The sponges are not stopping it from effectivly skimming because there are still a couple of smaller teeth showing which i know they cannot get through. The camera i use stinks... to adjust the white balance ill have to bring in a white piece of paper before hand and adjust it like that. I also am an idiot and forgot to turn out the light in my room which i am sure made it seem more blue.


Diane- I was thinking the same thing that it was too big. It is really cool, i think you can tell that there is a hint of green on it. It has feeders so maybe it is some type of lps. It is growing quite quick as well with more color improvment each day. The gbg's are great, im still trying to figure out names for them i want it to be perfect. I thought of solomon for the male the otherday cause we were talking about it in my religion class at school (francsican college). Its so cool how you can see the longer first dorsal spine on the males! Glad i came across your thread that one time about there sex's.


Nothing to new besides 5 inches of snow outside my door. Im waiting to hear back about those zoas and palys from another member but i will sure keep you updates! Thanks as always- Andrew

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