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5.5g new start


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alright, i have been very very busy lately.

-Mathias I got both my powerheads working, i had to take them apart, dont know why but it worked hahaha.


I tested my water again i really dont know where i am in the cycle hahaha but i know i still have lots of time.


Nitrate-High range 50





my sea squirt has died... it came on the LR and was doing well until something made basically a cocoon around it and killed it. Didn't really expect it to live but it was cool!

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Wow, did you take the sea squirt out (if there was anything left of it)? Reason I ask, is those numbers look like something died after a cycle in there. 50 ppm nitrate and 5.0 Ammonia??? I'd almost suggest a water change at this point if those nubmers are true. Did your test kit come with reference samples? I'd almost suspect something may be wrong with one or more of your test kits...


Good news about the powerheads anyway. :)

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Wow, did you take the sea squirt out (if there was anything left of it)?


there is almost nothing left now should i do a small water change you think?

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i have not been home since then, my mom does home exchanges and people from nyc are in my house right now. I get back monday and will see how the levels are. I am going to buy the coralife powerstrip because with two pumps on at once its too strong so im going to have one on at night and one on during the day.

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while looking at liveaquaria i saw that gbg are only $8.99 sale ends the 24th so im hoping my tank is good by then. Im going to test it on monday and see whats going on. If its not ready, o well!

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A wavemaker might be a cool choice with those two pumps. Cool, I wanted some gbg's too, but probably not the best for my situation. I've had a redhead in my 6 gallon cube for a few weeks, and I love the little fella - and he's doing great. One of my favorite fish I've ever had.

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so i tested my water today expecting worse then last time but to my surprise numbers have gone down!!!! omgomgomg


Ph- 8.0

Ammonia 0.25




Looking good! almost there I'm feeling. Not going to order the gbg from liveaquaria too soon. They are selling gbg at my lfs for $20 each which kinda stinks plus they only have one hahaha. I got my timer and a moonlight yesterday which work pretty well as of now. Also picked up purigen for one of the sumps and just put that in today. After my cycle is done I'm gonna pick up a cuc at the store and then i have to find some cheato on here cause the lfs doesn't have any. Any ideas for the cuc? i was thinking i most defiantly wanted some nassuras snails to keep my sand bed stirred. Thanks for the input (I'm guessing I'm thanking mathias in advance since no one else follows hahaha)

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dude awsome set up...ive been following but to amazed at the setup...ill keep in touch...thinkin about makin a 3 gal...u gave me confidence...thanks alot

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so i tested my water today expecting worse then last time but to my surprise numbers have gone down!!!! omgomgomg


Ph- 8.0

Ammonia 0.25




Looking good! almost there I'm feeling. Not going to order the gbg from liveaquaria too soon. They are selling gbg at my lfs for $20 each which kinda stinks plus they only have one hahaha. I got my timer and a moonlight yesterday which work pretty well as of now. Also picked up purigen for one of the sumps and just put that in today. After my cycle is done I'm gonna pick up a cuc at the store and then i have to find some cheato on here cause the lfs doesn't have any. Any ideas for the cuc? i was thinking i most defiantly wanted some nassuras snails to keep my sand bed stirred. Thanks for the input (I'm guessing I'm thanking mathias in advance since no one else follows hahaha)


I have some chaeto and can ship next week.

PM me if you want it.

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reefercolm- Thanks!!! its been pretty fun and some times a little frustrating but thats what its all about. Let me know when you start a thread. Good luck let me know if you need any advice.


weetabix7- i would love some!!!! hahahaha ill pm you, Thank you so much!!!


I tested my water params today cause on Tuesdays and Thursdays i have one class at 4 :happydance:


ph-8.0 i have been trying to up this a little bit everyday but man its stubborn


nitrate- 10-20



not to much of a change which i didn't expect but its good to see things keeping stable. Ill test the water next Tuesday which i am pretty sure by then ill be able to pick up a cuc.

Haven't had pics in a while so here you go, not much has changed.


I added the black background which looks pretty good! My rocks have a ton of coaraline on them, its completely covered in it.



New moonlight (sorry picture was taken during the day haha.


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So yesterday i go to visit my girlfriend after class in her dorm room. Once i get there she says close your eyes i have a surprise....not what you think! She got me a brand new turkey baster! We were in target the other day buying school supplys and i remembered i needed one so we looked, no luck only really expensive ones. The next day i guess she went out and bought me one. She really loves me and the tank! hahaha

So i would like to thank her and my family for everything they have done for me. from left to right gf, me, sister and her bf.


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Cool, dub, looking good.


For CUC, I have 2 blue-leg hermits, 4 nassarius snails, and one ceryth snail in my 6 gallon nano, and they've been doing a great job, and I believe they are really healthy. In my bigger tank (the 10.5 long) I have a similar crew with some trochus snails, and a turbo snail, and an emerald green. They've been doing a great job too, and seem to be thriving.


For your pH problem, have you measured your alk yet? If so, what is it? Aside from the ambient concentration of CO2 in the air in your house, your pH is directly related to your alk. If you have high CO2 in your house, or low alk, you will always have low pH. 8.0 is not necessarily bad though, but you should measure it early in the morning before the lights come on, since that is when it will be at its lowest.

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I followed!

One sided viewing area, eh? interesting, i think that would drive me nuts but it's almost like having an in wall system and those are pretty cool. its like watching fish tv.

thats such nice rock how did you get rock like that in new york when all i can find is plain white crap in jersey

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Any ideas for the cuc? i was thinking i most defiantly wanted some nassuras snails to keep my sand bed stirred. Thanks for the input (I'm guessing I'm thanking mathias in advance since no one else follows hahaha)


Oh, I follow! Sorry for not commenting more. Man, that last fts is SO colorful. You could never add anything else and still have a gorgeous 'scape to look at. (Too bad the sea squirt didn't make it...)


Nassarius are good to have but don't get too many--they're scavengers, not grazers, and will need to be fed if there's not enough to eat in your tank. As far as grazers go, Trochus are hands down my favorites, but Turbo, Astraea, Ceriths, and Nerites are all good choices as well. Why not get a variety and see what you like best? Of course you're limited to what's in stock...


I wouldn't be without a hermit or two, though some people dislike them. They are so much fun to watch. (Bet your g/f would like them--and how great that she shares your interest in your tank! :))


I'm starting to see "chestnut turbos" at local lfs's, now, and so far the 2 I have are doing well and they add color as well.


Tank's looking nice!




(BTW, nice to see the shot of you & your buds, too. :))

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Love the 5.5g. I started one myself about mounth ago. I recently added a 2.5 sump off the back of the tank with some lr and a baby black mangrove plant but im looking for some cheato. My lfs dosnt carry any.cant wait to see the finished pics of your tank. :D

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Sorry i really didn't think anyone was really following!!!!


Mathias- Thanks for the input i know i can always rely on you! I have a better idea of how many critters i will get now for my cuc. I never knew about the air creating problems with the ph but makes complete sense. I will have to do an alk test when i get back home, as of right now school then off to J. Crew for work. Any updates on your tank?


Constantocean- i paid $8.50 a pound for that rock which is like pure gold hahaha. I saw you got a internship at adventure aquarium...i think! Im going to NJ next weekend for superbowl to visit my sister and bf, they just got a new house in mays landing.


diane- Always a pleasure to see you! My gf has been there done that with the tanks but the thing is the last ones i didn't really involve her in. She liked when i had the 10 gallon but not when i had the thirty. She claimed i liked it more then her hahaha (just jealous)! Im gonna bring her to the lfs to help pick up a cuc, your right she does like hermit crabs as i remember the scarlet ones! Thanks for the input, your tank is always looking good.


thristan- I have the same problem, no cheato at the lfs! Last time i got macro from one of the lfs it was grape caulpercrape < hahaha stuff grew out of control and i feel didnt help that much. im looking for someone in the NE who has some as of right now. Ill let you know if i find anyone.


i did not know i was going to write an essay between classes :happy:

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haha more people follow than you think! just dont have time to comment on every thread they read. that rock really is amazing. theres plenty of LFS in jersey with chaeto! maybe you can pick some up on superbowl sunday if you make an early stop!

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checked my numbers again yesterday everything is looking good except the nitrates which are still at 20. I was able to raise my p.h. to a 8.2 and put my alk into the normal range. since i am going away this weekend i probably wont buy a cuc till i get back but there is most defiantly a good amount of food in there for them. I have one aipista and since gbg are so small i need to get rid of it. Things have been a little hectic lately, school has been crazy as well as me and my gf just broke up after 4 years, (i should get some free break up frags to cheer me up ;) ) thank god it was mutual and we are still friends. Well now more money goes to the tank instead of her hahaha! I also have a surprise soon!-Andrew

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checked my numbers again yesterday everything is looking good except the nitrates which are still at 20. I was able to raise my p.h. to a 8.2 and put my alk into the normal range. since i am going away this weekend i probably wont buy a cuc till i get back but there is most defiantly a good amount of food in there for them. I have one aipista and since gbg are so small i need to get rid of it. Things have been a little hectic lately, school has been crazy as well as me and my gf just broke up after 4 years, (i should get some free break up frags to cheer me up ;) ) thank god it was mutual and we are still friends. Well now more money goes to the tank instead of her hahaha! I also have a surprise soon!-Andrew


Well, I am sorry about the break up.

But hell yeah on being able to spend more cash on the tank now!

After me and my last gf broke up I just put allll my cash into my tank.

It grew so fast!

But then again she did dump me cus I payed more attention to the tank than her...hmmm...haha

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So i got a new light!!!!! i bought a 70 watt sunpod as a pick me up for me and my gf recent split and it has helped let me tell you haha. i just set it up last night because i just got back from NJ. It looks great is what i can say. I am stopping to pick up a cuc after school today and will post pics later!- Andrew

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70 over a 5.5!

I hope thats mounted nice and high.

not that i should talk.........I just recently put together some spare parts I had to make a 65 watt PC hood for my 3 gallon pico hahaha

hell yeah for bright tanks!

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sorry i have not updated in awhile. Things have been really hectic for me. School is rediculous, for my business to business class i need to prepare at least 3 hours for everyclass. I hate upper level classes hahaha. But the tank is moving along well. My new light kicks the old lights butt. I sold a skimmer and my old light on here to get some extra$$$ for the tank and i sold both within a day. I also just got my taxes done and it looks like 340 is coming my way...not bad for part time! When i went to get my cuc they didnt have much so i just got 3 astrea snails cause it seems everyone reccomends them. I just also got some cheato in from suppresive fire which he gave me ALOT hahah. They have gbg at the lfs now so im hoping my mom will get me them for valentines day cause she feels really bad about me and my gf breaking up(now its hitting me a little harder as well as my best friend went back to school.). Im off to the store today to look for some goodies and will get pictures of everything once my mom is back from her trip with the camera. - Andrew (sorry i needed to vent a little in this hahaha)

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just bought a 20k ushio bulb for the tank, i have always loved the color of 20k plus i dont have alot of room so i dont want the corals to grow too quick haha!

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