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Pod Your Reef

Gallery Rules - Read Before Posting

Christopher Marks

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Christopher Marks

Welcome to the new Photo Gallery!


As most of us know, this hobby can quickly turn you into a photographer. Sharing photos of the creatures in your tank is almost as fun as the tank itself. This forum was created to provide a place for members of Nano-Reef.com to share photos of things in their reef aquariums, as well as share experiences and tips on photographing aquariums. This is also a place to ask for help and suggestions about cameras and taking photos.


It's recommended that you first add your images to the photo gallery, then link to them in your posts here. You can find the photo gallery at http://www.nano-reef.com/gallery/



1.) Stay on topic - please keep the photo subjects to reef aquariums

2.) Don't post huge images - please resize all photos before posting them, and take dial up users into consideration.

3.) Conserve space - don't post a whole bunch of images of the same thing. Storage and bandwidth aren't free.


Have fun and enjoy the new forum!

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