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cyano bacteria in 5 liter pico reef


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I just got YANO BACTERIA IN MY 5 liter pico reef (2 years old)

what I can do?

I tried Antired (from aquamedica) but nothing happened

any animal that eats cyanos?

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cerith and nass snails supposedly eat it.


No-Cya-No will clear it up.



I have a ton of it in the fuge. Planning on removing it, along with the green slime (also in the fuge) tonight.

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Ultra lifes Red Slime Remover has worked for me in the past. It will add a ton of oxygen to your water as well, so do not run any sort of skimmer or airstone, while using it.

Good luck;)

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The Readlime works well.. But ofcourse we all would rather stay away from Chemicals.. What you want to do is increase the skimmer, Do a water change, and increase the water flow.. Now if you want the quick fix, I would use the UltraLife RedSlime remover.

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No-Cya-No got rid of my cyano problem....along with my snails. I had about 15 Astreas in a 55 gallon FOWLR when my cyano breakout occured. I tried increasing flow near the sandbed with a powerhead. It cleaned the cyano from the portion that was directly in the flow of the PH but didn't do much for the rest of the tank. I went with the No-Cya-No next which wiped out all the cyano problems. I guess it also wiped out whatever it was my snails were munching on, cause most of them died also. Fish weren't affected by the dosing.


My question is: How do some of you guys keep your sand so white and clean?

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I second the cerith snails. I don't think my 10 gallon has ever had cyano and I've always had lots of ceriths in there. I probably have 1 per gallon. My new 20 is another story. I have only about 3 ceriths in there and I'm getting some cyano. It's not uncontrollable at this point so I'm not going to get 2 worried since it is barely cycled.



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