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A chilling thought...


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on how to fight the 100's: Ice Ice Baby...


The color may look cool, i mean, cold. But the temp is actually around 105F. Should I file for a patent?

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Not to be a buzz kill or anything, but unless those cubes are RO-RO/DI water and floating in the tank - there not going to do alot of good sitting above the water on a pair of dowels :)

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Well, pardon my stupidity - but if your tank or the air around your tank is around 100 degrees, by the time that drip of water hits the tank water - its not going to do much good is it?


NO - I dont think so!

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Why the heck is the tank at 100 degrees in the first place? Or are you talking air temp?


Now if that is a tiny tank, say 2.5 gallons, that many cubes would have the desired efffect. If it were say a 10 gallon, it would have minimal efect.

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Look, it doesnt matter one bit. A few icecubes are not going to cool CRAP! Maybe there good for running down a womans breast during hot hot sex, but thats about all there good for.



That and to keep drinks cold :)

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Hahaha LOL! If the idea is not obvious to people, I guess that's a good sign of being granted a patent. :P


Those are RO cubes sitting on chopsticks, dripping into the tank.


Yes, the air temp is 100. I'm trying to keep the water under 84 but dumping a whole tray of cubes would probably knock out my starfish.


Ice cubes too small? Scoop tank water into a lunch box and make an ice block drip cooler. :)

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Thanks for your chiling thought also. Well, dripping ice cubes has a few advantages:


1) avoid salinity or thermo shock


2) top off water (i'm using fan cooling also)


3) cheap low tech, no messing with tubes or wires


Anyway, the first post was mostly to humor people. I probably should have posted this to the lounge.

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Hey! Sounds like you're the only one who got the irony: it looks cool, but it actually feels hot!


Looks like an icy cold water fall, but the critters are all sweating.


Hahaha! Thanks! :)


AFAICT, the overheating is causing my feather duster to come out less but my starfish to roam around more, it even tries to stick its arms out of the water- wu, hot! SOS!

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Wow and I thought my tank got hot the highest level I've seen is 92F. So far the only way I've dropped the temp to 85F was with a bunch of frozen ice bottles. Just make sure that the bottles are very clean before you put them in there. You'll also need to replace them several times a day so have a couple of them in the freezer.

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i just bought a $6 fan at walmart and have it blowing across the surface of my 10gal. Works GREAT at keepin the temp down! Air temp's about 85° when the A/C ain't running, keeps the tank at 77° without a prob... just a ton of evaporationX)

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Actually some large buildings use Ice powered ac units like that. Our main building in NY does it that way. Instead of running AC for a huge building which takes alot of power at peak electric rates during they day, they just run fans across ice blocks which cools the air. During the night, and off peak electric rates, they make the ice to use during the day. It save the company money, and the electric company likes it too b/c its conserves power for other customers during heat waves.

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I tired floating a bag of ice in a 10gal tank 85F degrees , ice melts within 8 minutes and it didnt make a differece at all. Floating several bottles of frozen water might work better. But your still consistanty having to float ice to keep the temp down, too much effort.


If it gets consistently hot and you got money get a IceProbe chiller. I got one and it works wonderfully plus it's an ease of the mind not having to worry about one more thing.


Interesting looking picture by the way. Was the picture enhanced or something using a photo editing application?

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No, it was not edited, it was a lucky quick n dirty shot for fun.


Wow, i'm learning a ton of stuff here! That NY story is very intriging!


Hey, I'm using a $7 fan from WalMart also! My tank, laptop, and I all 3 take turns using the fan, heh heh. :)


Yes, I suspect melting ice may or may not make a lot of difference. Evaporation may be more effective if not for the water $acrificed.


Ice method:


79cal/g + (1cal/g/C x 30C) = 109 cal/g


Evap method:




Even taking into account raising the temp of melted ice to RTP, evap still removes 5 times more heat than melting.


I guess a fan + "fogger" will be the most effective relieve, but it can't control the temp like a chiller.




Can some MBA reefer factor in the cost and give us an opinion about the cost effectiveness of each method?

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