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My 3rd Reef Tank - Build Thread


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I also believe they are night time feeders and would do well to be fed some mash of food when they are open and their feeders are out. They will also move along the substrate by inflating and deflating.


Sorry to take up your time if you knew all this already.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks Spanko. I moved him to the sand.


I've been taking pics for the past couple weeks, but due to some time constraints, haven't been able to post them. So, this will be a bit of a disorganized update, with various random pics.


The tanks is coming along GREAT! Lots of new stuff. Some of it I haven't even taken pics of yet.


Some random FTS from 2 weeks ago:



I mentioned earlier that I thought I was going to lose one of the acro frags. Not too long after it was added to the tank, lots of recession, starting from the base (RTN?):



So, I decided that intervention was the only hope. I pulled the frag out of the tank, cut off the healthy tips with some shears, glued the good pieces to a small piece of LR, and placed it on the sandbed:



Fingers crossed, because this is obviously a last-ditch effort.


I moved the fungia down to the sandbed, as was suggested by many people. I'll admit, it does seem happier down there. Here's a good pic of it gobbling up some food:



Some random shot of the hydno. It hasn't been expanding as much during the day. Maybe too much light back up on the rocks, not sure. But it expands a lot at night, and seems to be growing, so I am not overly concerned (I read that in the wild, they only expand at night anyway):



Frogspawn, good as usual:




Few days later...


alpine sent me some GSP, but it didn't like the shipping too much. No polyps open, and it was peeling back off the rock. Just resting here for now, but I plan to attach it to the black backwall, and try to cover all the black acrylic wall with a huge mat of it:



OMG, it's working! This little guy might pull through after all! Looking much better:




I just love this B. Wellsi. It pretty much always looks great:



Favia looking better and better. Almost all the recession and damaged polyps have healed, and it seems to look healthier every day. Pretty neat coloring too:



After a few days in the tank, the caulastrea started to expand a bit more:



Few days later yet...


This is like the little acro that could! It really seems to be on the mend, and growing a bit too:



About a week ago, I went and picked up some new corals from All-Reef in Stillwater (Peggy's got great livestock there, in excellent condition). These images are immediately after acclimation and introduction to the tank, so they aren't looking too happy yet.


Stylophora Pistillata:



A nice "Leng Sy" Montipora Capricornis:



"Chips" Acropora sp. (Horrida?):



Going to make the left end of the tank a shroom garden. Bright orange Yuma Ric:



Small Blastomussa Merleti frag:


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Few days later after adding the All-Reef corals.


Some random shot of my hydno during the day:



Fungia is doing well. It opens up a lot more at night, but I think it's generally happy with things:



Looks like one brave little polyp on Alpine's GSP is thinking about coming out:



Mista Ric:



Leng Sy is looking very happy I think:






Right-end shot. You can see, I've used pieces of a white plastic bag to shade some of the new corals while photo-acclimating for the first few days:



Lil' Merleti seems to have settled in well:



Stylo is looking happier, getting some color:



The sick acro I performed surgery on still seems to be improving. I must say, this was an unexpected victory (but I realize the war is not won yet):



Alpine's GSP has a few more polyps thinking about coming out:



This original acro is still looking good, growing. Has REALLY nice polyp extension at night, not as much in the day. I definitely think it's growing though:


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Thanks xADUBx! Yeah, not sure if GSP will encrust acrylic? Hoping so... I've heard it'll grow on just about anything.


"How many pics is this guy gonna post?"


"Hey now! It HAS been 16 days... ;) Lot changes in that time you know."


Chips Acro looking a bit better, not all the way there yet though:



Leng Sy lookin' good methinks:



Some other shot:



Whatever these are, they're still looking good, growing, starting to spread. I have another colony tucked away in a nook, but I can't get a good pic of that one.



Wellsi, chillin':



Doh! I knocked the favia off its glue doing some maintenance, and sort of roughed it up a bit trying to glue it back in place (I hate zap gel!). You can see where I damaged the edges of a few of the coralites. Not too bad though, I'm sure it'll recover from the mishap quickly:




Caulastrea starting to look pretty good. Wrassie loves this thing, fun for him to weave all around the branches:



Hammer. It could look better. Maybe more light? Not sure. I think it's growing, but I've seen it look better:






Put my RIC down a little lower, looking great still:



End shot:



Some shot:






Some sloppy FTS (FTS is tricky with a long tank like this, because being slightly crooked with the camera shows up like a big mistake in the photo):



This last Sunday, I picked up 6 more corals from All-Reef:

  • Purple Rics
  • Purple/Orange Rics
  • Green Tonga Rhodactis
  • Rainbow Trachyphyllia Open Brain
  • More GSP for my divider
  • Pulsing Xenia - going to keep a colony on a little island, separated from the main rock work


Need to take pics. I'll post more soon - the tank is getting really full!


Thanks for looking.

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I hope the new GSP works out. Maybe your tank is "too" clean? Are you still emptying the skimmer cup twice a day? I hear that GSP likes a little funk in the water. Mine opened up the same day I added it in my 10 gallon, no skimmer (refugium instead). Your stonies like the clean water, though. B)

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Yeah, I am emptying the skimmer cup 2-3 times daily, skimming on the driest setting for this skimmer (which isn't saying much, skims wet in general). It could be because the water is too clean. But, when the package arrive, there was no heatpack, and the GSP was almost freezing. It's actually looking better now, need to take new pics - there's around 6-8 polyps open now.

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A tank thread can never have too many pics! GSP is a pretty hardy coral I bet it will be fine. I want to see some pics of the purple rics, I have been keeping my eye out for a yellow one and a purple one at the LFS.


I wonder if, before there was water in the tank, you could make a super glue/sand paste and brush it onto the back wall of the tank that would encourage corals to attach to the back wall. Or even smash up some LR into pretty small pieces, gravel size, and use that.


Sorry for rambling, lol, the idea just popped into my head. I might have to experiment with that in the future...

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xADUBx - Hmm, that's a neat idea. Kinda like people do when they use that pond foam stuff when they make their back walls look like live rock cliffs. I'll try to post more pics of all the new corals soon - yesterday was water change day, not a good time to take pics.


Well, I had my first "DOH!" with this tank last. I was doing a water change.... I usually shut all the valves below the tank, turn off the pumps, and drain 2/3 of the water in the rear chamber out, and replace it. Pretty easy. But yesterday, I went a little further down, maybe a little more than 3/4 of the way. I heard a sizzling. Then, put some new water back in and.... POP! and a ton of sizzling and steam. *Homer's DOH echoing in the Alps*. Busted the heater open and boiled a bunch of water.


So, I completely drained ALL the water out of the rear chamber, for fear that exposure to sizzling live electrical components might have contaminated the water. Fortunately this was an isolated situation that occurred in the sump instead of the display. I had another heater on hand and installed it. Everything seems to be OK during the evening and before work this morning, so I think I may have avoided a potential disaster.

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OK, more updated pics. Fresh from last night.


The stylo is looking awesome! If you look back to the first pic of it, it was practically a maroon color when I got it, but it's really turning hot-pink under the bright lights. It seems like it LOVES the bright light:



Frogspawn again. Seems nice and comfortable as usual, growing, couple new heads sprouting on the side of one of them, two of the heads have divided and formed new mouths:



Fungia - this guy's starting to "burrow" himself down into the sand slightly. I'm guessing this indicates he's happy right where he is:



Hydno. Still think its doing well. Growing, but slowly. Eats food, etc. Expands a lot more at night:



I started dosing a small amount of Fergon's iron, as Randy from the chem forum has suggested, in the hope of improving the health of the Rhodophyta. I believe it is being outcompeted by the chaeto in the sump, which has grown like CRAZY. I've removed a good portion of the chaeto (which seems to grow the equivalent of a cantelope's worth of volume every week) as well. The Rhodophyta is starting to look a little darker and healthier, with a hint of the flourescent edges it once had:



I think the Merleti is doing well still:



I'm SO happy about this acro. I consider this to be a real victory for me at this point, it was definitely on the brink of death. And, this is the first (I bought two at once, but still) acro I've ever had before. Besides that, it seems to be a cool, colorful species/color morph. You can tell, it's on the mend and growing!:



The other acro I got at the same time as the one above is still doing well, as it has from the beginning. My cam has a tough time focusing on it though:



Chips acro seems happy enough I think:



Leng Sy, I think it's growing:



Still looking for an ID on this one, but whatever it is, it's growing:


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Here's a new one, Trachyphyllia open brain. At big gobs of food shortly after this pic was taken. Love the colors on this one, almost a rainbow:



Wellsi. Hungry sucker, chows down on just about anything I feed it, anytime:



Favia. This guy likes to chow down too. I enjoy watching two adjacent polyps fight over a single piece of food (not in pic, but I need to take one next opportunity):



Big ol' caulastrea tree. Think it's finally decided that it is happy in its new home:



Another patch of Rhodophyta. Starting to perk up a bit here too:



I'm gonna get shunned for this one, but I got this nice xenia piece. I know it spreads rapidly, etc, but I just love this stuff - adds life to the tank. I have it off on its own island, and I'll make my best attempt to prevent it from spreading. If it takes over the tank, it will be my own doing:







Echinopora, basically always looks the same. I've noticed that it enjoys an occassional target feeding:



Mmmm, new purple rics. These things look good enough to eat, with pink/green mouths:



Got some more orange purple rics too, tucked up behind the purple rics. I may move them if they seem like they're not getting enough light back there, or if they're getting smothered by the big purple ones in front:



This is the first ric I've ever had, but I'd guess it's very pleased with where it is. I swear it has grown already in the 10 days I've had it:


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OK, now for some wider tank shots.


Left end:



Again from the left, you can see Sammy way down the other end:



Right end:



Angle shot (I like this angle for a pic of this tank):



And finally, my attempt at taking two pics and stitching them together to make a high-res cropped FTS. Poor stitching job, I know... but you get the idea:




So, I think this tank is really started to get to the point where it is well-stocked. Need to start filling in with zoas everywhere. I plan to get a 1 or two small clams for the tank's 6th month anniversary at the end of June. After that, aside from an occassional Zoa purchase, I think I'll consider the stocking of this tank complete.


Thanks again for looking,


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sorry i have not been checking your thread really busy, my school was in the ncaa which is pretty exciting since we were the second smallest school in the tournament and made it to the second round (siena saints baby!)...but anyho once again...i knew this would be a great tank :P it is going to be amazing once it is all grown in. I still remember saying fill er up with excitment and this is exactly what i imagined. Hope the fish are doing well! hows the other nano doing as well?- Andrew

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Hey Dub, congrats on the NCAA placing. Thanks man! Glad you like the progress. Yep, it's true, you've been here from the beginning on this one. Thanks for persisting and following along with me. Nice to have folks follow from the beginning so they can appreciate how far it has come.


Md - Thanks man, glad you like it.

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Mathias, if you want a larger FTS let me know, I have software that stich multiple images together... Just need you to take the pics and send me a copy. :D

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  • 1 month later...

apparently i got kicked off your mailing list hahaha you need to fts real soon. i hope everything is doing well, i have not had anytime whatsoever in the past month but school is over now. i will have to update my page as well!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your reef is coming along nicely Mathias. Now that it has been in this location for a while, would you put it there if you had it to do over? Are there and ease of maintenance issues?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry I haven't replied in a long time. I had a few deaths in the tank and got discouraged. I also had a ballast go bad, which didn't help. Which lead to a lack of interest and neglect over the summer. Always had topoff filled and its all temp controlled, but a lack of water changes (like 1 per month), lack of feeding (not very often), and the skimmer clogged up and didn't work well at all for several months. Current state of the tank is:



Lost the echino. Actually, there is a little bit left, but VERY little. It was the first to go, and this little bit has been hanging on for like 6 months. I actually lost this one before I neglected the tank, so I'm not sure what the deal is with it.


Lost the rhodophyta. Just withered and died. Even put some that was still in good shape in my other nano in hopes it would do well there but no luck. There is a tiny piece in a shadow that has been hanging on for a long time, but I'm counting this as a death.


Lost the chips acro. Slow recession starting at its base eventually got the better of it.


Recessions (not the economic type)

Both blastos have receeded quite a bit. The nice blasto wellsi has lost about half of its polyps (shame on me, I know). I believe this could fairly easily be nursed back to vibrant health with more regular water changes and some frequent target feeding.


The trachyphyllia is doing just horrible. Totally my fault. Lack of feed, and it's obviously very sensitive to water quality which was less-than-optimal. It's not too far gone, and could be revived with some patience.


About half of the caulastrea heads have dies. Fudge.


My "Leng Sy" monti has no green on it at all any longer. I actually don't know if this is good or bad. It's a vivid bright hot-pink now. Very different than the last set of pics I posted.


Pink hammer has shown slight recession but nothing too alarming.


The yuma ric has shrunken a bit in size. It did actually split and make a tiny baby though. Weird.


Frogspawn is not as full as it used to be.


Other misc bad news

I've had a lot of clumping problems with the substrate, most likely from kalkwasser. Substrate looks cruddy.


There is some algae (hair, micsellaneous). Nothing that can't be overcome in a fairly short timeframe.


The scwd crapped out, probably also because of kalkwasser I think. I drilled a hold through the rotating drum on the side where it was stuck and it's just a dumb "T" now.


Good News

After that, you're thinking "how could there be any good news". There are actually a couple of bright spots to point out.


The unidentified green corals (believed at the time to be some favia sp) that were very small that I had glued to the rocks have grown, and developed a few new mouths. Possibly even enough for a more positive identification. It has also started growing onto the main rock work which is cool.


The Christmas favia has done pretty well. Not spectacular growth, but it has indeed grown.


The xenia has grown and spread a bit.


The purple rics are still looking good, although I'm sure they would have grown more with better care.


The green tonga rhodactis are still in decent shape.


The GSP has actually started to spread onto the black divider wall a bit, but not a whole lot. It's encouraging at least.


While I lost the chips acro, both of my other acros have shown some modest growth. Nothing spectacular, but they are a bit bigger now, and still healthy.


The stylo is still healthy too, and has shown some growth.


The hydnophora has grown and is looking healthier than ever.


Finally, Sammy and Wrassie are doing GREAT. They are fat and happy, have grown, and are still getting along fabulously like the good ol' chums they always were.





So, not all is lost, but certainly not all is well. As Alpine pointed out, the tank probably would have been really nice by now if I had kept it up. I know other some other reefers can probably relate that it can be difficult to maintain your passion for an extended/indefinite period of time. Sometimes you can really hate yourself for your decisions.


Not sure what I will do next. I've been cleaning the tank up - did 3 water changes in the past 10 days. Cleaned up the skimmer and got it working well again.


Anyway, sorry again for leaving you all hanging.



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