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Coral Vue Hydros

How does a refugium actually work? Yes Newb here!


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Im very new to reefing as i dont even have a reef tank yet.. but i have a 5.5 gallon and a titanium 50w heater with an aquaclear coming in the mail...


but the real question is what exactly does a regium do? and how does it work?


can anyone please explain the whole process? i hope its simple lol


thanx :happy:

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Actually, I'm very interested in this myself. So many people have them and I want to know what the pros and cons are of setting one up.

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Ch0ch, let me save you a little time too many times we get the rteply "do search" A refugium or "Fuge" is safe place apart from the main tank that allows one to grow algea and or plankton to feed the main tank. The algea also act a a living filter by absorbing nitrates and other bio waste and return oxygen back into the water column this also helps in keeping ph drops due to excess CO2 in the tank. Since the Fuge is apart from the main tank plankton and small pods and shrimp can brow and breed without being preyed upon by corals and fish. Time to time these animals enter the main tank and provide additional food for the main tank. In a nut shell it is a small tank connected to the main tank in which algea and plankton can grow unmolested by the main tank predators, It also can act as a living filter for the main tank by using plants to remove excess nutrients and some organic waste from the water. HTH

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Thanks! I've been reading the posts about "fuges" and how they work but it REALLY helps to have a post to put it all in a nutshell. Now I understand better what I was reading. Again, thanks. :)



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excellent description apophis. Another benefit of the fuge is, the slow current allows you to use this are to place loose frags on rubble or rock without having it blow all over the tank (assuming your fuge is large enough and not densely populated with macro algae).


Many people will say that the fuges on these small tanks doesn't do too much. From my experience, it didn't help keep the algae out of my main tank but it did provide enough food to my tank inhabitants that I rarely had to put anything into the tank other than some dt's once a week or so.


The added water volume is a nice bonus as well.

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thanx thats really the answer i was looking for ... i get my custom 7 gallon tank on sunday and im using a 5.5 gallon as a sump/fuge



thanx i think this post will make searching the site alot easier then before :happy:

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