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biased newspaper article


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My mom cut this out of the paper (Charlotte Observer) for me today. It is an article entitled 'Dont go looking for Nemo' by Heather Moore from Knight Ridder/Tribune. Im not going to retype the whole artice, but here are a couple things that bothered me:


"Fish are living, feeling beings capable of experiencing stress on their own. They are born to dwell in the majestic sea and they suffer miserably when forced to spend their lives enclosed in glass aquariums, robbed of their natural habitat and denied space to roam. They must swim and reswim the same barren cubic-inches, often in isolation. The largest tank in the world cannot come close to the vast oceans and lakes that are the natural homes of these animals."

I think that this may be true with larger fish, fish such as clownfish (the focus of the article) wouldn't be roaming in the wild.



"Fish communicate emotional states such as courtship, alarm or submission through a range of low-frequency sounds. The pumps and filters neccesary to keep fish alive in many aquariums can interfere with this communication."

Ive never heard of this before, sounds like BS to me...



"Most individuals purchasing clownfish and other tropical fish are doing so on a whim and are not properly prepared to care for them"



The author is from PETA FWIW.... If anyone is interested i can scan the whole article.... Please discuss!!

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that woman is an idiot. I wish we could see a picture of her so we can see that half the things on her body have some connection to a dead animal.


sure a fish is probably happier in the ocean than in my 26 but that fish was born and raised in a tank so it knows no better. The caught fish are now safe from predation and treated rather well, in my opinion.


I have never heard of smaller fish using sound to communicate. They do swim in patterns, raise fins and communicate in other ways that I have seen in the 180. Even had eggs laid several times so I would imagine that most of the fish in the 180 were happt (until the great ick wipeout hehe). Maybe the powerhead noise is the explanation for why some clowns take them as a host.


The statement that most people purchase clown fish on a whim is by far one of the dumbest statements I have ever been privy to. My 7 gallon, which had a clown in it, was no whim. Most people who might buy on a whim will be shocked at the cost of said whim and when they find out it takes a month before nemo can be put into the tank, the whim is no longer a whim, rather it becomes a plan. Stupid author, stupid article.


scan and email me the article. I want to send the peta person a piece of Crak!

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Gotta back Crak on this one. Peta is one of those fanatical groups that gets a good idea and then sh!ts all over it.


But I do have to say my piece about one completely ignorant remark in here.


HiRes60 - "fish dont have feelings!"


How do you know? Are you a fish? Can you talk to fish? Are you telepathically linked to you fish? Just because they do not express themselves in a manner in which you can comprehend doesn't mean that they don't have feelings.


And if you can not distinguish between the moods of your fish, you definatly need to spend more time in front of the tank.

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u think fish actually have feelings? ur personifying a damn animal. sure, they have animal instincts to mate and feed and defend territory but they dont love or hate. thier actions change not because they're in a bad mood but because they are in an unhealthy environment or in progress of one the previously mentioned habits. people at peta, the people who just finished watching finding nemo (or any other disney movie), and PEOPLE who dont know better believe that an animal has feelings.


u cannot get feelings and moods mixed up. animals are "set up" to survive in their environments by following thier instincts, not how they feel about each other!


by the way, you dont know how much im informed about fish. i've been keeping fish and researching them my whole life (18 years old I guess isn't really that long) and i'm majoring in marine science statrting this fall to become a marine biologist or ichthyologist.


people have feelings, fish don't.

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if the author had half a brain she would too realize many fish never leave an area of maybe 5 square feet if they dont have to. how about clowns and their host anenomes...this lady probbaly believes that the fish leave the anenomes to go off to school as well. she is stupid as well as ayone that will take any truth to her article

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Damn if this lady freaks out over clowns in million gallon tanks imagine what she'd do to me if she found out i had sharks. :P


Peta sucks and this lady needs to shu the hell up

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Anything PETA says can be disregarded. Fish talking with low frequency sounds? Um. Stupid wench, that's whales.

She sounds to me like someone who has only seen fish on the menu at McDonalds. She's generalizing about every species of fish as tho they are the same.

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That lady deserves to get really phuct up. I agree with cjm, go back to your ###### tree huggin freinds ya damned liberal phsycos (this does not aply to all liberals, just the ones who are not on this forum)

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Fish communicate emotional states such as courtship, alarm or submission through a range of low-frequency sounds.


WTF is this biatch talking about? Do you know how big a fish would have to be to make frequency's that low? Whales and Elephants may communicate like that but thats becuase their large enough to. Not to mention the size of the fish's ear or bulla(inner ear chamber) to effectively be able to resonate(hear) these frequencies. Obviously she doesn't have a F'n clue and should STFU.

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i think we should start our own activist gorup it can be called "the group with the right to shove our foot up all those other tree hugers asses"

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I think I last saw these people trying to free a large mansized mouse in front of Disney World.


Hey, at least in my old fish only tank, there wasn't a single fish lost to preditation or an Exxon oil spill.

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Originally posted by HiRes60

sorry, u cannot get feelings and instincts mixed up



Ok, time to break out the benz-0-matic and FLAME YOU! Fish and all other animals have feelings. Why wouldn't they? Have you ever seen a clownfish get evil, then happy then swim around with his buddy? Is that just "instinct" ? I think not. You need to go do some research or go back to whever you came from.


You must be one of those people that thinks dogs don't have souls? BS BS BS BS!


If you can dream, think, learn and respond - you have feelings and a soul. Why do you think dogs cower when their owners say NO! Just for ######s and giggles?



Lastly, when is the last time you saw a clownfish out cruising the millions of miles of ocean? Maybe there is a few, but most stay close to their hosts! If they don't, they become food for the bigger fish.

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Bruce Friedrich is making a TERROIST threat, IMO. As far as getting some attention for your ideals, three letters for ya Bruce, NRA. They raise money and lobby congress and get their way. Whether you agree or disagree with the NRA's cause is irrelevant, they use the American political machine perfectly. If this jackass would realize their are ways to get things done other than blowing up labs and chucking bricks through windows, someone might actually listen to what he has to say. Making ignorant a$$ threats towards people is a really good way to make them quit listening.

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Just because people are relying on pseudo-science to get their point across does not mean they don't have something worth saying.


I really hope you people flaming this article are being sarcastic because its THESE people, not you, who have the guts to stand in front of the bulldozers to stop greedy scum of the earth developers from destroying everything in their path. Their efforts should be applauded not flamed.


Ignorant buffoons, all of you.

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sorry bro but i have to go with abs on this one. fish do have feelings. just ask my watchman goby. he's scared sh!t less right now as i just moved his whole tank from a 5.5 to a ten gallon. he has spent the last 3 days cowering in his hole like a little biach.


another example is my spotted green puffers. neither one of them will have anything to do with anyone accept me or my roommate. when ever one of us walks in to the room the swim all of the front glass wanting food. they'll also come up to the surface and swim through our fingers. anyone else puts theis fingers in the tank, they get a finger full of puffer beak. they also have wildly diffeting personalities. one of them will spit water over the rim of the tank when ever some one walks by he doesn't know. the other one will just cower in the corner. not saying that they are as smart or have as menay feelings as we do, but they do lean to recognise where food comes from and they become acustom to ceartin people.


now i do understand how some people can say fish don't have feelings (not saying you're this type of person. i'm just gernalizing) if someone only keeps fish like mollies and guppies, and barbs. then yeah i can see how they oculd come to that conlusion. but once they keep fish with more behavior patterns than eat, sh!t, sleep, f*ck

then they should see how smart and experience their many moods and feelings they really do have.

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Sure SOME of there efforts should be applauded. But not this BS article. Doing a few things right doesn't mean everything you do is right. The problem here is they're using false information to get there "kill the aquarium hobby" point across.

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Do we really need to even waste our time worrying about those PETA freaks anyways?? I think it's been well established that they are all a bunch of losers who have nothing better to do than whine about the mistreatment of animals who happen to live much longer in captivity anyways... well, usually ;)


I am strongly against animal abuse, but I hardly think ownig fish goes under that category. Besides, I don't know about you, but I think if our fish really communicated through "noises" then someone would have found some way to detect it by now--like they have for whales and the all animals with that ability.

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Originally posted by JIM27

The problem here is they're using false information to get there "kill the aquarium hobby" point across.


Perhaps the aquarium hobby SHOULD be killed. I don't know about you but I want to hear ALL points of view on the subject, not just those of pro-hobbiests.


Incidentally, Greenpeace supporters are not hopeless losers in the main. They have supported many worthwhile projects and led to the conservation of more habitat than 99.99% of the people in here. To me, that seems like a noble action worthy of praise, not abuse.

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