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I am a total N00b starting a 30 gallon Tank - Building a Custom Stand


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I just bought a 30 gallon tank, hood and light for $70 on craigslist and I am looking to get the tank cycling as soon as possible. What is the minimum I need to get the tank cycling??


I am assuming the following please coment where needed:

  • Live Sand (15 Pounds)
  • Sea Salt (?? Not Sure how much)
  • Distilled Water ??
  • Pump(s) (Two, one in each back corner) (Edit) Purchased
  • Water Testing Supplies ??? To check levels
  • 50/50 Light (Purchased- Nova Extreme T5 lights)
  • (Edit)Heater
  • (Edit)Refractometer

Please add to my list, right now I just want to get the tank cycling so that I can add live rock and simple fish after two months or so of cycling.


I plan on taking alot pictures for this tank, so I will be sharing.



I am also going to build a stand for it here are the not so great plans (I am not an architect)


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Your list is pretty good. You should get a heater too, although it isn't exactly required for the first while.


Just get a pale of sand if you can afford one so it will last you a long time. For my BC29, I just buy one of the regular sized bags of salt and it lasts me quite a while.


You should purchase RO/DI (Reverse Osmosis) water from your local fish store or grocery store. Theres millions of threads on here outlining the differences between water types if you are confused.


A water testing kit (and hydrometer for your salt-levels) are an absolute must. You will want to be able to test for ammonia and nitrate, among other chemicals in the water.


And of course, you should get your hands on some Live Rock so you can begin cycling!!



Welcome, and good luck!

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- I would get hydrometer or refractometer (preferably the latter) to check salinity.


- You didn't mention a heater, i recommend 150w or so. Make sure the water is up to temp before mixing salt.


- Buying distilled water or water from LFS will work, but it's much easier i think if you have your own RO/DI unit.


- A couple powerheads would work well, hydor koralias are great but anything will work. A hang on back filter like and aquaclear will come in handy if you want to use carbon or some floss.


- A good test kit can be a lifesaver. Alot of people like Salifert, i happen to use Aquarium Pharmaceuticals because that's what the LFS had.


- If you buy cured live rock, you could get started sooner than 2 months, but there is no hurry. Patience is the hardest part of this hobby sometimes.


I hope that helps

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Patience is key!! Cycling will take time, minimum month some times 2 or 3.


Essentials for tank:

  • Stability (applies to all listed \/ )
  • Salinity (try and keep stable at any point from 1.023-1.026)
  • pH (8.3)
  • No ammonia
  • Low Nitrates/Nitrites (<0.2 ppm)
  • Temperature 78-82 degrees

Research is a must!!

Don't trust LFS....get second opinions.


Get the heater


Get LIVE sand (cycle takes less time)


You will have a diatom bloom that will be a brownish/red slime. When you get it, get a clean up crew (cuc). They will eat the diatoms. They you cycle "SHOULD" be done. Only water quality testing will tell.


Others can add more.....



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Use a good salt brand and stick to it, try and buy stuff from people getting out of the hobby if you are on a budget it can be a life saver. Use more live rock than you think is nessacary. Always buy a skimmer bigger than you need. If you have the time, learn to mod and upgrade your equipment to get the most out of it. Read and research as much as possible.


And the best piece of advice I can give you: patience makes great tanks not money.

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I am currently looking to buy a used 36" T5 HO light fixture...if anyone has one they are looking to sell or better yet give away...it would be greatly appreciated you can contact me off list dorgan (#@#) donaldorgan (#dot#) com

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I am currently looking to buy a used 36" T5 HO light fixture...if anyone has one they are looking to sell or better yet give away...it would be greatly appreciated you can contact me off list dorgan (#@#) donaldorgan (#dot#) com


Alot of people here have a 36" T5HO fixture they are giving away for free. :haha:


Edit: Im sure you will find someone selling one. post a new topic in hardware classifieds.

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Here's some advice. Start a 10 gallon and move up to the 30 gallon.


I would say the opposite, the smaller the tank the more difficult to control the parameters.

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I would say the opposite, the smaller the tank the more difficult to control the parameters.



Yeah thats the impression I was under, and thats why I went with a 30 gallon, I have a friend who has 2 tanks and has been into it for a while...so its not like I am doing thsi just from reading.

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any more progress dorgan??


I should be receiving the the light for my tank on tuesday....Then hopefully after that, and the holidays because of $$$ reasons this time of year hopefully I will be starting the tank stand in early january, so hopefully the tank mid january.

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