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Octopus Hang On Back Skimmers


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Well I searched around this forum for some info on this skimmer and came up empty handed. so I thought I'd share my experience with these hobs. Althought these skimmers resemble CPRS they are no where compared to them. The body of the skimmer is bigger, the intakes and outlets are different, the pumps a needlewheel and the collection cup is different. Here are the three models,


BH100F $150~


Dimensions: 18" tall x 13" long x 3" deep


BH100 $100~


Dimensions: 18" tall x 8" long x 3" deep


BH300 $135~


Dimensions: 18" tall x 11" long x 3" deep


I own the BH100F and its on a 45gallon bow Front, the live stock is: Coral Beauty, Bicolor Blenny, 2 ocellaris clowns, six line wrasse and a yellow tail damsel and some zoas and shrooms. Before I got this skimmer I had a cpr bakpak and I have been using it for 7 years, and all I got was green tea. But before I swithced to the octopus hob I had doubts because I would hear people say its the same as a CPR BakPak but after using it there is no comparsion, my CPR never gave me brown stuff. So once I switched to this new skimmer right on the first day I started to get pee yellow skimmate which was pretty impressive. This skimmer has some bonus features a cpr doesnt have and for the price of a CPR BakPak I get more out of this. The pump is internal so you see one less pump floating around in your tank, a surface skimmer box comes in handy to skim off surface scum. And last it has a extra chamber for filtration media and a heather, getting this skimmer started may be tricky since it relies on a siphon just like a overflow box with the U tube. But once it gets started you wont have to worry about it, just like any hob these skimmers still produce micro bubbles. but there is a easy fix which is to get the cpr bubble trap.





I have been using it for 3 months and now every 3 days the outcome of the skimmate is brown and nasty,



A quick comparison to the Remora


This thing is a monster.


The BH100F skimmer would be a great alternative for those that are looking into getting a CPR BakPak, this skimmer cost the same amount as the cpr bakpak but comes with more features. The BH100 is 100 dollars is the true look alike as the CPR BakPak but this one also outpreforms it too. Koraltek from Reefcentral is using this one his 15gallon nano and its pulling nice skimmate aswell.


12 hours of skimming



30 hours of skimming



Tank shot



There are others who have used this skimmer and have had good results from it. If you would like more information about this skimmer check out RC's octo hob thread





It has some good info on all the models shown above. I would highly recommend others to try it, you wont be dissappointed. Since I checked alot of forums and I never could find good information about it. These octos I believe can compete with Deltecs Mce300. If you have any questions fire away at the RC thread or post them here and I will ask the others about the other models.


Locations to buy one of these





The following is a user's review of the Octopus Hang on Back protein skimmers. This review was written in the hope that it might supply a bit of first-hand knowledge and experience to fellow reefers in the pursuit of assisting them to make informed purchasing decisions. Some Comments are based off personal opinions

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Jesus that RC thread is long. Tried to follow it, then gave up.


These octos I believe can compete with Deltecs Mce300.

Why do you say this? Was this quoted anywhere?


Where is a link to one for sale?

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I went to rc started reading then went to search for something...remembered you need to give rc money if you want a search bar feature.



no linkey for one for sale. with product specs

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Yeah thats a long thread, since no one has used one and back than when I asked on other forums I would get a answer that its a cpr knock off and its probaly the same. But its on a different lvl.

you can get the skimmers at




About the deltec mce 300 I believe it can match their skimamte production. This is based off personal experience, I looked into the deltec mce300 and looked at some skimmate pics and the octos can match it aswell.


Some more pics

others who have the bh100

This is on a 29gallon 3 days of skimming



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Just sharing the information I gathered, there really arent many hobs out there.

So far the really nice hobs are expensive like the deltec mce300/600 and the bermuda rogue. The rogue goes for 250 but the down side is that it has a pump hanging around. if you ever plan to upgrade the max these skimmers can handle is probaly a 75. Here is the BH100 collection cup with 3 days worth of skimmate on a 90gallon.



If you notice the cup looks different from the cprs,

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The size of the cup next to a water bottle.


The pump is a resun225f needlewheel which is basicly a sedra2500/genx-1000.

Resun King 225F, 19W, 225GPH



On december 21st marinesolutionsinc.com will be releasing this monster, I think its probaly one of the first reciric hob for 230 dollars


I also left out one skimmer, There is the BH100ss which looks exactly like the BH100 but has a surface skimming box equiped to it. I have not found any pictures of it though.

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I have a 20g+10g sump system. I wonder if these will work well sitting inside the sump. Or I might be better off getting an Octopus NW110?

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If you have a sump by all means get a insump skimmer. That way you wont get micros. All hobs have micros thats the downfall of them.


The octopus on a tank


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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11316602#post11316602 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by VengefulNemesis

My skim was yellow at first, but didn't take long to get where you see it now. I never had any real odor with the Remora, but there is no missing that now with the 100. Considering I only paid 90 for the Octo and I think around 140 for the Remora, yes I certainly got my moneys woth. The Octo is on a 29 gal with a Coral Beauty, 2 Clowns, Bi color Blenny, Yellow Goby and a sixline wrasse. Mushrooms, Zoas, Starburst and Xenias in there as well.


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This is kinda funny to me one you show how big it is and its huge. Then you compare it to a deltec mce300 that half its size. Thats says something for deltec then if they can skim just as well with a much smaller foot print. Also why would some one want a huge skimmer hang on the back of there tank? i think i will stick with deltec.




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I dont own the small octopus hob so I cant say for that one, but its definetly not this large. I own the bigger one and that was just to give people a comparison picture. Both of these skimmers skim the same its just with one pump hidden in the back and a extra chamber for filter stuff.This is only my personal opinion I didnt say it can out skim the deltec. it is fine if you disagree with me. I'm just trying to introduce a good skimmer to fellow reefers. If you say your deltec is better than thats fine by me. Im not here to bash on that skimmer so back on topic. This is a great skimmer for the price, if you have a tight budget this is the skimmer for you.

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I dont own the small octopus hob so I cant say for that one, but its definetly not this large. I own the bigger one and that was just to give people a comparison picture. Both of these skimmers skim the same its just with one pump hidden in the back and a extra chamber for filter stuff.This is only my personal opinion I didnt say it can out skim the deltec. it is fine if you disagree with me. I'm just trying to introduce a good skimmer to fellow reefers. If you say your deltec is better than thats fine by me. Im not here to bash on that skimmer so back on topic. This is a great skimmer for the price, if you have a tight budget this is the skimmer for you.


Thanks once again, I for one appreciate your help in making the information available.

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Hi Everyone, I see that happy has started a thread here.

I have been following his octopus thread and bought a BH 100 myself to give it a try. I use to have a typhoon hob and that thing was such a PITA. The skimmer is currently on a 50gallon and its some good skimmate. Sorry I dont have any pics around.



My Bh100 is quiet no noise at all. Both skimmers are rated up to 90gallons, so the choice is up to you. I was cheap and went with the BH100 but I think I should of gone with the Bh100f, because it has the pump in the back and I see oneless thing hanging around. If you go for the BH100SS. Which is the samething as the BH100 but, it comes with a Skiming box to attach on your pump. If you have that box you can easily push the skimmer to a corner and have that overflow box right there too. This will make it look like it was built in and it wont be as noticeable. I think the overflow box might be clear so a little black paint will solve the problem. The BH100/ss is smaller and does not have the extra chamber its slightly bigger than a cpr though. While the BH100F has the extra chamber for filter media and the pumps in the back. While I was reading back in the octopus thread, Luke said the BH100F is better because the pump just shot straight into the reaction chamber instead of going throught the tubes like the BH100. It pretty much depends if your willing to spend another 50 dollars for the BH100F. My information may be off alittle on the BH100F since I don't Have one. But overall I am satisfied with my skimmer, probaly one of the best skimmers for the price. I hope that helps


Hmm happy left out this pic from another BH100F user this is on a 45gallon low load




Heres alittle something

For those who don't want hobs Coralvues about this get this new nano skimmer thats going to be intank, I read its going to cost like 50 dollars.



They also have this one but I have no clue when this one will be released


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I'm the one who has the bh-100 model on a 90 gallon, and those are a couple of my pics up there.


I've been running this skimmer since the end of March of this year on the 90 and I can say that overall - it's worth a shot if you're in the market for a hang-on. For what it can do, the price just can't be beat.


I think that my particular skimmer would be more rated for a 55 to 75 gallon tank max, but I prefer to not run a sterile system. I also don't run a sump or any other type of filtration either so this skimmer works it's butt off for me. I also run it fairly dry.


There are some cons with it as well like there are with anything. The skimmer comes with a foam block in the return side that needs to be removed otherwise it will clog and cause the water level to rise. If the skimmer is not kept clean, the water level can rise to the point of dealing with a possible overflow. There have been some pump problems with some of the models, but that's pretty much rectified as far as I know.


Up sides is the needle wheel chops the water pretty well stock and there's mods going on now with mesh. Should significantly increase the performance. The skimmer's built like a brick. No flimsy or cheap acrylic used at all. You can also throw a bag of media (if you want) in the return side. If the airline silencer isn't used, the pump is loud. Add the silencer and it's almost dead silent and it appears to skim better.


Anyway, for $100 (bh-100) this is probably the best hang-on out there for the money. Bermuda's new Rouge is reportedly doing very well but like $225 - $250. The Deltec speaks for itself, but so does the price.

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something seems kinda odd about this, everyone with expeirence with these skimmers have low post counts and recent join dates. They also post pictures in the same style. Just my opinion......

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I don't have a HOB skimmer but I can say that my modded Octopus 150 skims like a champ. Dark brown to black skimmate but it is mesh modded, venturi modded and has a gate valve.

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something seems kinda odd about this, everyone with expeirence with these skimmers have low post counts and recent join dates. They also post pictures in the same style. Just my opinion......


Just to add to your theory... :P:D


I have the the BH-100F on my 80 litre tank. A bit overkill, but considering what else is available in New Zealand (brand, price, performance, etc), the 100F was my best option. Plus I was able to pick one up second hand.


I can't compare it to anything else, because it is the first skimmer I've ever owned, however it certainly pulls out a lot of dark, smelly skimmate.


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something seems kinda odd about this, everyone with expeirence with these skimmers have low post counts and recent join dates. They also post pictures in the same style. Just my opinion......


Hey we are usual members of ReefCentral, but happy wanted to share his personal experience with the octopus hob, he's made a thread dedicated to the octopus hobs. I read his thread and tried it and I was really impressed. And Post counts don't mean anything, nor does join date. What maters is how much experience we have in this hobby that counts. ;)

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All good, just thought someone was trying to pull the wool over everyones eyes. Looks like a great skimmer now that I have done a little research.

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i personally think the bh100 is one of the best hang on skimmers around, and yes, it smokes a deltec mce300...i have used both. a mesh modded resun 225 will pull more air than a nw maxijet 1000. the only thing about the mce300 is that there is no pump in the tank, which i like...

but with the bh100f that i ordered, i will be able to have the pump in the skimmer body, put the heater in the skimmer, put carbon in the skimmer, and an ato in the surface skimmer, so yes, i like it better than a deltec mce300... but im sure a mce600 would eat the octo for breakfast.

you can see the pics of how small the bubbles are in the octo resun 225 i mesh modded on the first page, it's the ones with the deltec/euro gardena air valve on the airline.


my only gripe with these skimmers is that the resun pumps they use are shyte, because sometimes they have overheating issues where they will start and stop(not mine personally). i plan on using a nw sedra 2500 in my bh1oof, i used a mesh modded sedra 2500, and it totally overpowered the bh100, so you must leave the nw stock on the sedra for these skimmers.

but even out of the box these guys perform better than a cpr bakpak, and it definately beats a stupid remora by far...modded, they will outskim a mce300, but stock is about the same power as one. granted, i think the design of the mce 300 is waay better, but the skimmate production and air are about the same.

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How is the noise of the ocotpus compared to the remora. I got a remora because people claimed it was quiet. Mine is still in the break in period but I am dissapointed with the noise.


I realize that there may not be a truly silent skimmer but quieter is better with my tank location.


Also with my tank setup having the pump in the skimmer instead of the tank works a lot better.



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Wow amazing skimmate pictures, my cpr can never pull that out.How come I never heard of this skimmer? I'm still having micro problems with it also. I have it on a 20gallon shroom tank.... Are there any mods you guys can suggest to fix my cpr if not I might have to try one of these. I will look through that Reefcentral thread later it seems awfully long though.

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Hello - First post!


I have an open top AP24 with MH. I am after a skimmer and wanted to know if the BH-100 would be suitable for this size tank? Would it be better than the nano-tunze?


As it is a HOB could I use the BH-100F as refugium for chaeto in the last chamber? I have already got my AP24 chamber1 set up as a fuge but the HOB would probably cover this up...


Thanks for any advice!

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