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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Size Really Matter?


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I know that the people that use a 'Fuge will say " Any 'fuge is better than no 'fuge ". But, I'm sure there must be a point where it's to small to even matter. This brings me to my question. My HOB as a box about 5" long x 4" wide x 7" deep that could be used as a 'fuge. Is this a good size or is it to small to even matter? I'm thinking of a couple of inches of live sand and a handfull of spegetti algae. I'm stuck because I want a 'fuge but don't want to pay $100 for one. If this don't work I'll use another tank and pump from the main tank and let it overfow back in.




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Thats a great size, You would be surprised how much Microalgea can grow in somthing Soo small. the idea is as long as the algea is growing its removing unwanted nutrients.. So the smaller the fuge.. just means the more you will have to prune what you are growing!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Toooloud

Thats a great size,  You would be surprised how much Microalgea can grow in somthing Soo small.  the idea is as long as the algea is growing its removing unwanted nutrients.. So the smaller the fuge.. just means the more you will have to prune what you are growing!


Ain't that the truth.

(mini-mini fuge in a AQ 300).

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