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~jdsabin1's Snapshot Of The Day~06/20/03


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Wicked purple ric, man. I just got 3 really smart looking green/purple rics that I've not gotten to open all the way yet. Hoping that they'll pop soon. The cool thing about one of 'em is that it's got two mouths. Don't know if it's splitting (never seen a ric split that way before) or what, but it's a cool shroom.

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You can get the best rics from blowfishaquatics.com. I got their 9/$99 special and Bryan actually sent me 11 rics. I ask that he send them to me unattached and I didn't want any green ones and he took care of me. I highly recommend them!

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Thanks! 96 watts over a 12 gallon. That particular ric is on the bottom right corner of my tank, directly on the substrate.

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