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Day 4 and Bleaching...sheesh


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Hey guys, I just noticed some bleachingn on at least two of my LR this morning. I'm on Day 4 of my first Nano. What gives? I've got it on a 10 Hour light cycle with a single 13W bulb. I've noticed that the temp in the tank has tended to get pretty high. Like yesterday when I got home I found that I forgot to turn on the fan and the aquarium temp went to 90F...talk about fish fry. My damsel seems to be ok though.

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got get a damn timer for that fan so you never forget again.....


sounds weird that a 13w would push that much heat into the tank tho, what is the room temp like ?


what do you mean by bleachingn ? is all the coraline turning white or something ?



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Orange Crush

coralline dieoff will happen during your cycle. Rocks that were formerly in the dark are now in bright light and vice versa. Coralline has to adjust to the new lighting just like any other livestock.

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skeletor: the problem is the room. I live in a tropical country and my room doesn't have an air conditioner so it gets pretty hot in there. But with the fan I can usually keep the temp at about 80-82F. I really need a way to cool the tank...but a chiller is way out of my budget. I'm looking at getting a CPU cooler and super glueing it to the back of my tank. that way I can keep it on all the time. :)


I just checked the temp right now I'd say it's about 87-88 in the room and the tank is at a whooping 92 so I turned on the fan again.

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