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Cultivated Reef

Flatworm attack!


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Hey guys, just wondering what is the best way to get rid of these guys?


I got flatworms almost on every single coral, you cant really see them unless you look close. They are not eating away on any of them cause i have seen them around in my tank for a while, but i wanna know what the best way to kill these guys off?


I have a 2inch Six line wrasse that doens't seem to be eating them.


Any help would be appreciated.


Thank you

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suck them out w/ airline hose. it'll take forever but you wont have to add anything to your tank.


a sixline wont always eat them, especially when there's better stuff to eat.

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here's what i did to win:


1. get flatworm exit - 2. add it (double dosage)- 3. vacuumm them out as they are dying -4. water change - 5. add flatworm exit again. 6. feed sparingly next 3 days....if you have a six line they will most likely help.


they are the devil. finish them now!

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