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Is there a need for a surface skimmer??


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Hi all,


I just wanted to get everyones consensus/opinions on surface skimmers? How many of you out there are using one and what's the benefits of having one in a nano....other than the obvious reasons of removing surface scum (or did i even get that wrong :P )


Would it be of that much more benefit to my nano or a kinda nice to have gadget?.......thanx again....

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I have one and love it. It does exactly what you said it does - removes surface scum and does it amazingly well. Best $8 I ever spent in this hobby.



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my surface skimmer doesn't seem to work very well but it might be a result of the powerheads currently shooting directly into the rock (trying to blow as much death off the rock during the cycle) and the skimmer positioning.

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well i think the biggest advantage to having a surface skimmer is because it will remove the oily film on the water, which from what i read actually reduce the amount of light that penetrates into the water.

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I have one on my bak pak and it's great at removing surface scum although it does require some adjustment due to my high evap rate.



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I'm confused...Do you ALREADY have a skimmer and you are wondering about the surface skimming option?


Skimmers - I have the Read Sea Prizm, which seems OK for the small amount of time I've had it, but the intake pipe is around 6 inches deep (ie; it takes water reasonably deep). A surface skimmer attachment, as far as I can tell are simply boxes that let water come in from the top (at the surface) and then your skimmer can intake that water. Probably can make one yourself our of some tupperware or something.


The skimmer itself was $80, but I've seen this skimmer range from $70-$100. It fits reasonably well on the back of the tank, though it seems to be built for a tank with glass that is 4 inches thick! (The "hang over" part is really long, I think to accomodate a hang off sump/refugium)





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southpaw 23 are you asking about a protien skimmer or a surface skimmer for a powerfilter? because i was talking about a surface skimmer for a powerfilter.

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Hi guys...thanx for the input....


ELGORDOINAVW...yes, i was referring to a surface skimmer and not a protein skimmer....and no Vincerama, i don't already have a protein or surface skimmer....i'm thinking of skipping on the protein skimmer for now trying to keep the system simple being and was wanting to research on the possible advantages of connecting a surface skimmer to a powerfilter as ELGORDOINAVW has mentioned.


Skeletor - how does your high evap rate affect the surface skimmer. I have pretty high evap as well, with the 4 inch fans blowing at the water surface 24/7. The temp is a problem around my parts (Malaysia) but i've managed to get the temp down to a managable level now...it fluctuates from around 78 to 81 throughout the day which is extremely good considering ambient temp runs around 85. Sorry...went off track a little....how does the high evap affect the surface skimmer again?


Jbsabin1 - thanx for the input on ur experiences with it. you look like you got a pretty good deal on the surface skimmer....i found one at the LFS (an Aquaclear) going for 45 ringgit...works out to about 12 USD......was thinking if it was worth my money to get one.....oh and nice tank by the way....i like the colors...how's the sun coral doing? ;)


Thanx again for the input guys.....i'm leaning more towards holding out on the surface skimmer for now and see how my setup runs without it and then consider it in the future...that is unless i am convinced otherwise......

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