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I made a mistake. Poor snail.


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I bought a turbo snail today to aid my other turbo inits cleanup job. My first turbo snail coexists peacefully with my common striped hermit, so I thought no problem. At the LFS, I misjudged the size, and got a turbo snail that was quite larger thinking it was like the other one. Well, my hermit has decided it is his new shell and has constantly attacked it. I believe since the shell is larger he likes it, whereas the other turbo snail shell is smaller than his, so he's not interested. I hope the snail makes it through the night so I can trade it for a smaller one.

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Isn't that just the way? Someone always has a bigger, nicer shell than we do!


Sorry to hear about your snail problems. Hope he makes it.

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Thats why I have no crabs in my nano.;) I stick to nice snails:)


Although I'm tempted to buy a crab because there cool and add more variety...I resist :P

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Had the same problem. What I finally did was go to the lfs and picked up a bag of decortive sea shells, got them home,put them in boiling water for a few minutes ,rinced them with tank water,and then picked a bunch that were close or a little bigger then the hermits shell already in the tank (blue & red). and put them in the tank. Worked wonders, had musical shells going on for a while. Have not found a snail dead/overturned in over 2 weeks now.


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I have some bigger shells in there, but they are occupied by bristleworms, and the big hermit stays out.


This morning when I found the snail dead (or dying), I was faced with a decision: should I remove it, or should I allow my critters to feast on escargot and let big hermie take the shell? I decided on the latter. I hope they are able to consume the thing before it fouls the water. If not, I'll remove it when I come back from work, hope its not too late before fouling occurs.

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OK, I went back home for lunch, and the hermit was already in its new home. I removed what little was left of the turbo snail, just the "lid" with some little pieces of flesh attached to it. That was fast!

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Inverts will make quick work of flesh in the tank. Apparently, snail must taste all right. I've never tried escargot, so I don't know. Apparently, crabs like it. So do peppermint shrimp, from what I gather.

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