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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Teresa's 10


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Central clump'o'rics. There are others outlying and shrooms as well but this is the majority.





Top-down shot. New pieces can be seen toward the top of the picture.



Clown goby enjoying his cave.



Sexy and some shrooms.



New guy from trade with simplenough. Nice color on this one.



New yellow ric and the one behind it as well. Makes me think of the blackhole sun ric from reefgardener. These are from the CMAS swap today.



Wicked purple/red mottled look going on here. Also from the CMAS swap today.



The swap today was a great time. I've been to loads of reptile swaps but never a coral one and Teresa has never been at all so it was a good experience. Both the kids loved it, especially the sea horses. Lots of great stuff to see. Teresa pretty well got her pick of ricordea at the show. Not alot of demand for them it seemed and a fairly large supply. I was more partial to the montis as usual but picked up a few other odds and ends that I've been eyeballing online for some time. Everything in the tank seems to really be benefiting from the new setup. Having the HOB filters flow the length of the tank has decreased the turbulence greatly and everything has just bloomed out to suck up that light. Looks great. The sunlight early on in the day coming through the chameleon tank is really bringing out the colors as well. Alot of the blues are showing up nicely now, which I didn't expect but am glad to see.



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Legs and new bulb are in. Moved one HOB to the side of the tank to accomodate the feet so now there's a good bit of flow on one end of the tank. The 2 cap pieces on the LR seem to be enjoying the hard flow there and the rics and shrooms are billowed out in the slow areas so I think all are happy.



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And another ridiculous turn of events in the life of this tank. I ordered a few frags from a member of this site and one of those frags contained monti-eating nudis. The monti itself went in my 75 which as some of you may know....is full of montis. I am an idiot and don't dip specifically for nudis so they made it right into the tank. Lost 4 frags total to the little buggers before I could get a 10 gallon and get a hospital tank going. 2 frags from the person who sent me the bastages and 2 of my own were lost. So, 10 gallon hospital tank of monti death is set up. Montis are dipped and swished and placed there. Radiant wrasse is on the way and going in there as well. The decision was made to remove all of Teresas coral from this tank and place them in mine. When the monti fiasco has finished her coral will be relocated to the new deep sand bed 10 gallon. The title of the thread will be changed as the 75 gallon thread was. Guess I could just remove the "1/2" from it. Well, here's what is going in this squat little tank. Should fit her perfectly.




So that's all for now. All of Teresas corals and critters are just fine. No problems on that end. It was just the situation with the 75 that lead to the moving decision. I think she'll be happy with the added height. She's a softie fan anyway and that height will give her a chance at a bit more diversity. It will also slow the flow at the sandbed and let those rics swell out even more. They do look sweet under my MH and actinic though. Just glowing.



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  • 5 weeks later...

So the rics are moved to their new 10 gallon home and the title of the thread has been changed. Just like my other thread, nothing fancy. LOL. Going to move a few more rocks into this tank to compliment what Teresa already has and create a better 'scape for her. This new-found height gives her more options so we're working with that. Some CUC critters will be going in shortly and now that we have a fairly deep sand bed Teresa wants another cucumber. The CUC in this tank will likely be entirely snails as she really hates hermits...mostly because they kill snails. I'll get pics up when we move the rocks and situate things better. Mostly just scattered on the sandbed now, like usual.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Neat yellow ric.



YCG using a blue moosh as a footstool. Sweet algae background, LOL. It's gone now.



More pics and updates to follow soon.



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I am sad to report that Harry the hairy crab did pass. Not really sure why but between the move and everything else it has been a stressful ride. At any number of times it would've made sense for it to overwhelm him. Thanks goes out to the ladies of the Kitchen for their contest involving him. It inspired me to build the 1/2 10 which led directly to Teresa becoming involved in the hobby with me and now doing her own tank which this thread is dedicated to. A very kewl series of events with a natural but unfortunate step along the way.



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Added some anthelia to this tank from a friend in the reef club. Teresa is looking at goby/pistol combos right now for her next, and probably last, fish. We do like bumblebee shrimps and things like that so still a bit iffy on going with the pistol yet. Don't want him to start snapping critters we put in later. Because of the deep sand bed she'd also like a cuke. As you all know we had a bunch in the 55 in GA and she was a big fan so she'd like to add one here. We'll see what we can come up with between the local LFS's and the 'net. Next coral will likely be a colt, unless she finds more rics. It's always rics, LOL. She liked the colt we had in GA for the height and I think it would give the YCG some awesome perching/hiding spots. I'll try to distract the girls long enough this weekend for her to snap some pics for everyone. Who knows, maybe she'll even post! :P



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wow this is an amazing tank! i just looked through all 15 pages. 1/2 a 10 is such a cool size. i think youve inspired me to cut my 10 in half :P

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Thank you very much! There are actually "half" sizes of quite a few different tanks that can be found if you search a bit. I saw a 1/2 29 that was pretty neat. The tank is now a full 10 gallon by the by. It turns out that "half" tanks are also great for low lying critters like snakes, LOL. So that's what lives in the 1/2 10 now, Candy our corn snake. Transitioned everyone over to a regular 10 after the monti fiasco in my 75. If I ever get back down to the St. Louis reptile show I'll probably pick up some more "half" tanks. It'd be really neat to get the footprint of my 75 but only 6" or so tall. Just do a crazy zoa garden with some pipefish and nothing else. Now that'd be a sweet tank.



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yeah shallow tanks own ;) i saw all of the different sizes glasscages offers but i figure i already have a 10 i cuold de-rim it and cut it down a bit, and save some money. a 1/2 10 is big enough for a corn snake?

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It's a small female so at the moment she fits nicely. As she grows she'll be moved out. There's a tortoise on the way hopefully so that will give me the mini-collection I need to start doing educational shows again. Once Candy moves on to a more permanent home I'll have to figure out what to put in the 1/2 10 again. Maybe I'll finally do the poci garden with a panda goby pair. That would be wicked.



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So we went for crix and fish food and came home with more, as usual. A Randal's goby and candy cane pistol as well as a cucumber. Also added 2 more snails to the tank and 4 to my 75. This pair happened to be in a display next to the freezer housing the fish food, go figure. I saw the goby and Teresa liked the eye spot on the fin so I asked if they ever got pistols in as well. The guy said yeah, look under the rock and he should be in there with him, LOL. So we grabbed them and directly across from them was a cucumber. Picked that up too and we're good to go. The snails were mostly for me but they're little so they actually make more sense for this tank. I'll get pics up tomorrow when the lights are on and everyone isn't so skittish.



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Of course, none of the new fish or shrimp. They've dug in and I expect them to be hidden for a bit. No big deal, have to get used to the neighbors is all. Speaking of which...



So I got to zooming in on things again. Didn't use the spiffy lens on this tank, just cranked the zoom in the camera itself. The spiffy lens for the really tiny stuff is on the 75 if you'd like to check that out.





New anthelia.



Zoa and shroom rock with some dusters here and there. About time to pop more shrooms off.



Rics, of course. This is Teresa's tank after all.











So that's the pics for now. I know, no FTS. I'll work on it. Going to get Teresa an S/N likely tomorrow and then make her take over.



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Hey, she requested the work! LOL. She's a big softie fan. Rics particularly but softies and sea horses are her thing. No horse tanks yet but the softies we can work on. She's also a big fan of small stuff and details. She likes to see things that move with the flow. The colors on SPS can be wicked but the stiffness is somewhat boring. I can see where she comes from with that but I'm a huge detail nerd so the polyps and growth types are what attracts me. That's the reason for all of the close pics as well. That's the part that really we both like alot. The interactions. From the fish down to the pods in the hair algae. We're definitely tank starers to the extreme, LOL. Good times for the family.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm off for a full weekend so pics will be up for this tank at some point. All of the new additions are doing well. The YCG will now perch beneath the HOB overflow when he sees me come in the room. I hold the cyclopeeze cube in the flow from the HOB and he just goes to town. The Randalls is also to the point now where I can work around the tank and he will just sit and watch me. The pistol hides if I get too close but otherwise he's always moving about and rearranging the sand bed. I jumped on the Reef Chicks BOC sale so some new pieces may be headed for this tank. We'll have to wait and see what we get but I'm sure it will be good coming from them.



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So I slacked on the pics, my bad. Had to switch to day shift just for today so missed out on doing some this morning. Back to 2nds tomorrow so I'll try and pull myself out of bed and take some, LOL.


15000+ views though, so thanks for sticking around to watch things grow!



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  • 4 weeks later...

So there still aren't any pics. Work has been insane. We broke the rock that had the zoas and mushrooms on it. Basically just separated the zoas so they won't get covered and removed some nuisance macro. No new rics to share but the anthelia are growing well and spreading in their corner. The critters are all doing well and the YCG is calm enough now to come right out and eat cyclopeeze when we're in the room so that's nice. The Randall's is calming down as well. You've still got to sneak to really watch the pistol but I expected that so no worries. I'm snooping around to try and find Teresa some new rics, her birthday is in August. I tried to buy her a Harley but she made some excuse about being pregnant with our 3rd baby and blah blah so that fell through. :P . We'll see what I think up.



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  • 1 month later...

New mushrooms are on the way!


And since Teresa wouldn't let me buy her a Harley for her birthday I think I'm going to buy her a house instead, HA! That'll show her. Really though, we've looked at several and are viewing more tomorrow. Should be kewl.

Some neat new mushrooms on the way for this tank and maybe some misc. zoas or something. Pretty sure we're moving out the big anthelia rock and letting the portion that has spread continue to grow. Gives us more floor space for her rics and mushrooms. The anthelia are on a rock in the back corner and I hope they spread up the glass. I'll likely be gluing some GSP to the opposite side back glass. A friend did that to cover his plumbing and it looked really neat. We'll see.



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Thank you. Teresa's new mushrooms arrived today and look really nice. Crazy day tomorrow with looking at houses and meetings for work so pics probably up Thurs. or so.



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I removed the original Anthelia rock and placed it in the back of my 75. It can grow and spread back there all it wants, won't bother me. There was a nice covering of Anthelia on one of the original rocks in the tank so we'll just let that small clump spread and do it's thing. Not a whole lot to report without pics right now. The new mushrooms look great and Teresa has decided to try out a small clam we got as a freebie. I have a friend from the reef club who is a distributor for Phyto2 so I dose it fairly heavily in both of my tanks. Should give us a fair shot of keeping the little guy alive. Noone in this tank should mess with him really. Maybe the cuke knocking him around as he noses through the sand but nothing will actively bother him I don't think. I would like to add something that actively swims to the tank still. I like the idea of a purple firefish and Teresa thinks they're pretty so that is an option. Letting the mushrooms settle for now and monitoring the clam.


That's about it.



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