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Coral Vue Hydros

From planted to Reef a 1st timers Jouney with Pics (updated 3/19/08)


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when I was doing CO2 injection and using the high lights I dosed


40% H20 change-weekly


3/4Tsp-KN03 3x a week

3/16Tsp-KH2P04 3x a week

1/4Tsp-K2S04 3x a week

3/16Tsp or 15ml -Florish 3x a week

4-8ml- Plantex CSM+B - 3x a week



However now that I have cut the lights in half and cut the CO2 I only dose these amounts 1 time per week with a 20% water change

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Beautiful FW planteds, Iroc! It would be a wrench if I had to tear down that 55. But I have to admit, I keep eyeing my 10g FW as a potential reef...



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Beautiful FW planteds, Iroc! It would be a wrench if I had to tear down that 55. But I have to admit, I keep eyeing my 10g FW as a potential reef...




I think I kinda outgrew the planted tank world, the little 7 gal shrimp tank is enough for me at this point. I am trying to figure out the best way to break it down so I can sell everything off, but would like to sell it all to one person.

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I decided to post up a couple of new rics I got (waiting on the FTS until after my clubs frag swap this weekend)


I got this neon orange ric and this neon blue ric on a single frag plug at an LFS last weekend for 40.00 (I had a 25.00 credit and I never shop there anymore so it was actually 15.00 ;) )






Here is a shot of the ric/yuma garden

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Great buy, sweet rics!


I didn't see the ric garden pic...





I guess the pic didn'r post that night. Here it is as of today BUT I am thinking of getting somemore this weekend



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Thanks a lot, like I said this was my 1st tank so it is only natural do go through a lot of transitions however I am using this as a learning curve for the 90 I am about to set up.

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Here are some new things I got from the NCNRS Jan. Frag swap



Traded a Purple yuma for a Purple pulsing Zenia from Strangelove.




Traded a Purple Yuma for a Devil hand leather from arod




from Reefdan I bought some Fire n Ice zoas (not sure thats what these are though)




and some Blowpop zoas





And I bought from awcasper a Steel blue Ric




I need to clean the glass but here is a updated Ric/Yuma garden pic as a teaser



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Here are a couple of night shots, I need to figure out how to get better focus under stright acentic lights


the candy cane feeding






One of my BTA's




Some Radioactive Dragon eye zoas



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  • 5 weeks later...

Well it has been awhile since I posted ( I had a GHA issue) but for the most part it has been cleared up and the tank is ready to contunie it's photo essay.


I removed about 10 lbs of raock last weekend as the tank was getting very hard to clean, the rock went into my sump so all is not lost if I decide to move some back. I also made sure that the fomation was a lot more sturdy as I keep having a reoccuring dream that all my rocks fell over and killed all my corals.


I haven't decided if the ric's and yuma are going to stay in the sand bed but since I always see ppl put them there I thought I would give it a shot.....


Some of the corals are still recovering from the move some where out of my disply tank longer then I had wanted but my wife had a flase labor while I was in the middle of all of this and I had to make sure she was OK before I went back to fish stuff.






more to come as everything opens up

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Nice to get an update! Looks like things are continuing to prosper for you...that fts is beginning to acquire some signs of maturity...


For my money, the rics on the sand look a bit cluttered, but it is true that they often do well on the substrate. I did think they looked wonderful when you had them on your rock, though. Sure a great ric collection you have there!


So you're expecting a little one, eh? :D



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Nice to get an update! Looks like things are continuing to prosper for you...that fts is beginning to acquire some signs of maturity...


For my money, the rics on the sand look a bit cluttered, but it is true that they often do well on the substrate. I did think they looked wonderful when you had them on your rock, though. Sure a great ric collection you have there!


So you're expecting a little one, eh? :D




Yea I liked the look of them on the rock to. I have some frags that after I get rid of them I might try to spead them out a bit before I move them back up to a rock.


Yea this will be my 3rd boy, wife was due last tuesday so she is pretty much just ready to have him out

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Awww! (And I can sympathize with your wife!)


I predict that very soon your reef is going to take a back seat for a while...






It already does, I just hope it doesn't go so far back that I reget having it around...................

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  • 3 weeks later...

So it's been awhile since I did an update and I thought I should throw a bunch of pics up for everyone who has followed along and helped me recreate this tank.




























well thats it for now and again thinks to everyone who has helped me out along the way

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well after selling a bunch of plants 2 weeks ago I had some extra coin (read money the wife didn't know about) so I went ahead and placed an order with Sealife.com


these will be showing up on tuesday


1 x Assorted Oddball Ricordea

1 x Flourescent Green Ricordea (Multiple Mouth Polyp)

1 x Orange Ricordea (Double Mouthed)

1 x Purple Plume Gorgonia - Size: Large

1 x Two Tone Green Ricordea, Single Mouth Polyp


this should fill out my ric section nicely, I will post pics after everything opens up

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Everything showed up in good health and was added to the tank. Forgive the pics I forgot to clean off the water I spilled when adding them.


the new Ric corner of the tank








After I decide where exactly all the new stuff is going I will take some better shots including close-ups of these new Rics, they are amazing and sealife.com was a great place to shop online.

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I took some close-ups this morning and thought I would share



FTS - (at my DIY dawn setting)




new purple sea plume with feeding tenticles




plusing xenia from strangelove (NCNRS frag swap)




devils hand leather from awcasper (NCNRS frag swap)




Unknown Acon from Strangelove's NCNRS coral train











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  • 2 months later...


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