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I bought this back in March and decided to go bigger. Comes with 25w heater, AC30 modded to a fuge, and 24w Odyssea PC fixture. I also have the stock filter if you want it. It is in great condition with no scratches, or cracks. The only things are I painted the back black and there are pinholes showing thru but the coraline covered it. Also I dont have the plastic top for the ac30 because I used a palm light over it. Other then that it is ready to go. Here are a few pics one was my last FTS and the other is of the lights. I am asking $65 and shipping will be $15.





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If you are wrong and I wasted 3.5 minutes of my night I am gonna be so mad.


Lol, that cracked me up. :D


Nice looking tank, good luck with your sale.

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