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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Question about DSB....


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After lurking around for about a month since my new 15G nano just finished cycling with Gulfview rocks (awesome rocks, except i have WAYYYY too much macro algae...reds and greens..one of my rocks look like it's covered in moss)


anyway, i have a question about DSB...i know the theories behind it, in that the anearobic regions are denitrifiying zones...

but please help me understand more....


think about it, if the sand bed is SO tightly packed and has oolite type sand (small particles) and water can't pass through it,....heck, OXYGEN molecules can't even get there! (hence , anaerobic zones)....then how the HECK does the nitrate get there to be "denitrified" ?


i'm a little brain dead, but let me start with that...i have more specific details in the question, but lets start the discussion with that question....


thanks guys!





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