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what salt do most of us use?


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I tried searching and searching and couldn't find anything. I posted this in this subforum because most of us go through salt buckets quicker then the rest of the nano-reefers here. That being said, we are more likely to have gone through various types of salt because of experimenting or being stuck with another brand because the lfs was out. So, i'm at the bottom of my bucket of Oceanic salt and I started thinking that perhaps it was time to get some more. So the question is, what salt do you like to use (regardless of price, sometimes we get suckered in with that special)?



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I have a bucket of IO and a bucket of Seachem Reef Salt that I alternate between. I do water changes every week of about 20 gallons, so I go through a pretty good amount of salt. I am not disapointed with either one. I think that using the Seachem every other week makes up for whatever the IO is missing. I also dose seachem reef builder, reef buffer, and reef calcium. Once a month I dose magnesium, all dry supplements. I think pre diluted supplements are a waste of money.

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I use the Red Sea Brand in my large tank. The LFS said its better to mix with RO water and it keeps the calcium more constant. Its the same price as RC. Haven't really noticed anything, but haven't tested much lately either. :o Oh well I guess my rabbitfish is a little fatter. In fact hes having a fatty contest with my tang... but I digress.

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well the thing is that I read that Oceanic salt as a low pH, and its true. My RK2 digital pH reader is at 7.8, its only fish now but it seems that this is a consistent issue with this salt and isn't the best when adding corals. Apparently people have tried adding buffer without much success because the pH drops quickly back down. It'll be another 3-4 weeks before the first coral since I'm leaving to Florida for my job orientation but I'd like to start replacing the water slowly to get the Oceanic salt replaced.

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If price isnt an issue do some reading on tropic marin. pro or regular. i've had great success with both of them and have never heard a complaint from anyone who uses it. Instant ocean is hard to dissolve, oceanic has low pH and calcium problems, red sea coral pro seems to be pretty good if you use RO water with it as it is formulated for use with it (extra pH buffer and electrolytes or something). All in all if you do frequent water changes any salt is good IMO.

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I have been using Tropic Marin Pro and WOW the results are amazing, i get better extension from my LPS, my reef fish seem to be healthier and more vibrant, and the water stays more clear, since my next tank will have a calcium reactor im going to be using the same salt on it, only at wholesale pricing lol

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alright, so it looks like Marin Pro is what I'm going to try. It'll help out that I'll get my 40 gallon sump this weekend that I can perhaps start replacing the Oceanic then. On a system about 160ish in total water, is a 40 gallon sump full of Marin Pro a bad way to start replacing water?

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hmm i would say fill up the sump with premixed tropic marin pro saltwater and then top off your tank with tropic marin pro premixed water and then turn on the return pump, and there ya go a 40G water change lol

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im about to switch from the Oceanic now also,, i just tested my PH and it was 7.7-7.8, which probably explains why my zoas have zoapox... im goin to start using the Marine Prosalt.... is it ok to do my water changes with different salt mix than i have in my tank???

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I'm mixing it up between 3 salt mixes to save money.


Tropic Marin, Seachem Reef and Reef Crystals.


Seachem has the best CA/ALK but i hear it has high borate levels.

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I tried searching and searching and couldn't find anything. I posted this in this subforum because most of us go through salt buckets quicker then the rest of the nano-reefers here. That being said, we are more likely to have gone through various types of salt because of experimenting or being stuck with another brand because the lfs was out. So, i'm at the bottom of my bucket of Oceanic salt and I started thinking that perhaps it was time to get some more. So the question is, what salt do you like to use (regardless of price, sometimes we get suckered in with that special)?




Oceanic. Keeps my salinity and PH stable.

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Oceanic. Keeps my salinity and PH stable.


really? i won't argue about it keeping a solid pH but in a bad way, my range is 7.75-7.77 which is a bit too low. What do you measure your pH at?

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hmm i think the best cheaper salt for reefs is red sea pro, a buddy of mine uses it and its incredible the amount of growth and color of his corals, plus polyp extension is awesome for him

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I dont have low Ph, and my Ca levels are never a problem..


I use Pinpoint ph meter. make sure your using a pro tool for more accurate results, the drop stuff is beginner stuff.


Oceanic. yep.


I would mind trying the other salts, but changing them suddenly can be a mortal combat mistake.

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