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HELP!!!! What happened to my anemone


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I have an condy anemone in my ten gallon and it has been doing fine!!

All my paramaters are fine.


He had been in the same place for a few weeks(about 2-3) and looked fine and healthy!


Last night I feed my anemone and he still looked fine but he had moved in my tank for the first time.


He moved close to my power fileter intake.


NOW I no longer see him and all I see if little peices of him all over the tank.


It is like he lost all of his tenicals (kinda like he exploded).


If he got stuck in the intake would this have happened or did he just die or what


Please help me I don't what to make a mistake again if I did something wrong.




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anenome+intake=frog in a blender


his arms probally got ripped off by the uptake. most likely your tank will be in havoc.

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He did could not have gotten sucked all the way up but could the suckion from the intake ripped its arms off??

Its arms are all over the tank. What do I need to do about it?? Clean it up (I am sure I have to do this). But will it cause any problems like poison or anything like that???


Also do brittle stars eat anemones (I heard that they did)??




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Prepare for some serious tank pollution! Avoid anemones, don't get one next time. The clownfish/anemone thing makes them very attractive, and lots of people get them, but they in fact become the most common failure case in the hobby.

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So what do you mean by tank polution???

Do you mean just the arms and body everywhere that has to be cleaned up or something else??


What do I need to do with all my other inhabitants??




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anemone meltdown. the tank is going to need serious attention. get the anemone out, and all the bits and pieces that you can scoop out. do large water changes and cross your fingers.


dead anemone smell - yuk!


as chufa said, avoid anemone. As cool as they look and as interesting as they can be, they are way too much trouble, as you have found out.

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I am so sorry to hear this happen to your tank!!! I hope what Crakeur says to do works and its not a total loss. I know my tank is just starting and I would hate to get as far as you did and have to go back again to square one!

I wish you the best of luck on this recovery effort!!!

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chondy anemones, bad bad anemones, dont ever get one, things are nothin but hassle, givin anemones a bad name. I dont have a tank yet, but im startin one soon, ive been researching tanks for almost a month and a half now, and ive read countless articles on chondy fiascos... just my two cents

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getting the bits and pieces of the anemone arms out should be paramount. cover the intake should be next (if the anemone is still alive). if the anemone is dead (i.e. not adhering to anything, slagging into a liquid state, main body all chopped up) then suck it all out and monitor your water readings for any spikes.


condys are actually very tough sob's. everyone i've had, have had a 'crew cut' at one point or another. only one died as a direct result but that one was 'lost' inside my fluval canister for a couple of days until i finally found it (tough sob's). it actually lasted for another couple of days before slagging away.


don't try to feed the condy if it survived. digestion actually consumes a fair amount of energy which it probably has little reserve of right now.


invest in a turkey baster btw. extractor, blower, feeder, punisher, "git-offa-im'er", all-around reef tool. the baster can suck out the crappie in little shots.

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Thanks everyone,

I think I got most of it out of my tank (several peices of what I think was the body chopped up).


I will watch the water parameters and hope everything goes fine.


Thanks for all of ya'lls help!!!!!!


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