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This was part of a newsletter from a local marine only aquarium store near me. This store from my experience has been very knowledgeable and helpful on the occasions that I have shopped there. This is shocking to me.


"After you watch the new Disney movie, Finding Nemo, this weekend, come on in and pick up one of our Nemo kits. The kit includes a six gallon Eclipse aquarium, ten pounds of live rock, six pounds of live sand, a heater, thermometer, hydrometer, flake food, hermit crabs, snails, a serpent star, and of course Nemo and his dad, Marlin, two False Percula clowns. The tank is all set up and ready to go. This kit is a great gift idea for any child."


We all saw this coming, and now here it is.


Your thoughts?

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This kit at least -seems- to do the right thing by providing real live biological filtration, and two fish which shouldn't get large enough to cause problems.


There's bad ideas in it though, because what if the clowns pair up and mate? That's a -weird- explaination waiting to happen.


While I do think it would be better for people to do alot of research -beforehand-, we knew it would happen. It happened.


Lets hope they're all CB, so that some poor kid isn't jerking a real Nimo out of his home, capping him and a friend up in a small tank which will never be cleaned, and slowly torturing them to death.


It's scars like those that you just can't buy.



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I think that is ridiculous............


I would at least hope that they have written care sheets, and ask the parents to read them before purchasing to understand what they are getting into.


Hopefully parents will opt for the plush Nemo and friends. (no feeding required)


I actually HAVE to take my wife to see this, she has been bugging the heck out of me. Our sons are 21 and 19, I couldn't convince either of them to take her. Not even for $$.

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The good thing is that setup will be over 200 dollars. How many parents will pay 200 bucks for a little gift where there minds are set on "SW tanks are too hard to have"

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cycling will kill both fish in a week. Also, two fish in a 6 is a lot for a starter tank.


can't wait to see how the kids react to the star eating nemo.

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im with sumbel, it could be FAR worse, at least they ARE provideing everytihng thee fish need. the only problem i see is that the lfs emplyees not giving the right info to the customers telling htem its not hard to do at all.

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If it's good LR, cycling should not be an issue. Anyway, like Dustin said, it would be expensive, so I would not expect a massive nemo holocaust here. But nevertheless, darn! Knew this crap was going to happen...

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I'm hoping that parents (or even kids) will get the actual message of the movie and not buy their kids a clown for their tank. Yes I actually saw the movie this weekend, and it wasn't that bad for a disney movie.


Atleast they aren't selling 2 hippo tangs in a six or 12 gallon eclipse. And the serpent star in a 6 is really disturbing.


movie excerpt - "Mine? Mine?.... mine mine mine mine mine!!!"

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Yes, the movie was very funny, I enjoyed it. But it sends all sorts of wrong messages. The dentist's tank, it looks like a 20 or 30 gallon at most, yet it has a clown, yellow tang, puffer, damsel, moorish idol, royal gramma, etc. Way overstocked! Also, it is ok to flush your fish down the toilet?

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last night on showtime there was a show on called Out Of Order (kinda boring) and in it, the lead character picks up some goldfish for his son. 8 of them in a goldfish bowl and one by one they all die. He hated taking care of them so he flushes the last living fish down the toilet, only to have it swim back into the bowl. Funny as hell.

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"it looks like a 20 or 30 gallon at most, yet it has a clown, yellow tang, puffer, damsel, moorish idol, royal gramma, etc."


That was the first thing I pointed out to my wife and she threatened to leave the theater on the spot unless I shut up about it, using the "its a cartoon defense". My opinion is that it just breeds irresponsibility.


Though I wish my fish would hold initiation rituals like that. :)

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I was thinking that the tank was a little bigger than that, something along the lines of maybe a 55.


I thought the movie was pretty funny myself. Ellen DeGeneres was the perfect voice for the hippo. I would have picked someone other than Albert Brooks for Marlin's voice, though. I haven't figured out who I'd rather have do it, but I didn't care for Brooks' voice. Marlin seemed whiney, which I know was his character, but I think Disney overdid it with the voice.


The turtles were great. Just like a bunch of Deadheads. 150 years old and still on the long strange trip. I laughed at that loggerhead for a long time.


The cleaner shrimp was a riot.


Winter, I wish my fish would hold rituals like that too. That was funny.

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glad to see two adults got such a kick out of a cartoon. I can't wait until my daughter is a bit older so I have an excuse to see movies like nemo.


My niece called me over the weekend (she's 4) and she asked me if I saw the movie because she knew I had fish like the ones in the movie. She asked me if I would take her to see nemo in the theater and then show her the real nemo in my tank. She's a hoot.

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i saw it too. I really liked the turtles and the french cleaner shrimp. And i think my fish do have initation ceremonies very similar to the movies :)

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I like to think that those LFS's that choose to market the "Nemo Package" will have their hands full when mom, pop, and sobbing Junior want their 200 bucks back after Nemo and Marlin are doing the backstroke inside a six gallon pickle jar inside of a month.

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I watched an early showing and all I got to say is bring a nose plug. Not saying the movie stunk but watching a movie full of little kids, something is bound to dookie in their pants.


Movie has some good humor in it :D

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As a Part time employee at Petco, I think that there is no reason to ever send a customer out of a store with a fish tank and the fish to go in it in the same day(short of a Betta). I have refused to sell customers fish on the same day they buy their tanks on a number of occasions. Any LFS that sells such a package should never again(if they ever were) be trusted for even a remote shred of dignified advice. If they sold you the eclipse and setup and said come back in three weeks with a water sample and we will then sell you the fish, then I could agree with that practice.


It is bad enough humans have to catch (hand or not) wild animals, but on top of this we must doom them to imminent torture and death. Even captive bred animals should not be treated this way.


Sorry to rant, but the "Nemo Package" just hits a nerve.

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Had to chime in. I actually bought the first Nemo tank from Marine Scene in Herndon VA this past Saturday. No kids involved; just for me. Cost was about $250. (Will cost another $90 or so if I want to upgrade the lighting down the road with the retrofit kit they sell.)


They've done all the break in, so I essentially bought a working tank. They packed the tank with just enough water in it to keep the starfish, crabs and snails happy on the trip home. The rest of the water was put into a five-gallon jug for transport. The live rock was wrapped in wet newspaper, and two false perculas and the algae were bagged separately.


I had it all set up within a half hour, and it's running like a champ so far. For the past 13 years, I've had a 58 show with various saltwater fish, but I've never had anything this small. Wish me luck.

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Well, yotman...good luck. I shop at the Marine Scene as well and was surprised that they were selling this set up. Knowing the staff as being very knowledgable I sure hope they discussed the care and maintenence involved in keeping a nano tank. PLEASE be sure to take advantage of all the helpful information provided at this site and keep us posted on the health of your new nemo tank. I really hate to do this but......******cringe*******


Welcome to NR.com and we hope to hear from you frequently! :)

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