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OT: Engagement Ring


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Helfrichs Chick

F that. Sorry I have been SCREWED in the past, spent money on a guy I was with for 5 years, I mean BIG money, trips to Vegas, Bahamas, Hawaii, and helped him with his bills. Sure it was a blast, but looking back I was really stupid, I could have done some really good things for my future with that kind of dough. Needless to say it didnt work out. I am a FIRM believer in 50/50. Not that it has to be dollar for dollar but I aint dropping no $6g on a vacation to the bahamas again. I could have had a tank FULL of corals for that lol.


My man now is good about it all, we split just about everything, but its not an arguement. When we go out I get dinner one night he does the next. Its easy, and makes for a drama free relationship. I make good money, he makes even better and we both spend it on things we like to do. 50/50 may not be for everyone but its works great for us. Personally I think its better that way so no one feels obligated, or like they "owe" that person. Money is the biggest problem in relationships, and if your each putting equal into it then what is there to fight about? Ya know im right! :D I absolutly refuse to have drama in a relationship, been there done that, and SO over it. Keys to a good relationship, being honest no matter what the outcome, giving/getting 50/50, and nookie all the time :) (The last one just makes you a nicer person all round! LOL) Just MO.

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They way i see..money is no object for a women you love...and thats how it should be.... yea sounds dorky, but its true....So even a 10,000 ring is no problem...then again i go to med school :). Min for me would be around 6000...

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fraggle rockette
F that. Sorry I have been SCREWED in the past, spent money on a guy I was with for 5 years, I mean BIG money, trips to Vegas, Bahamas, Hawaii, and helped him with his bills. Sure it was a blast, but looking back I was really stupid, I could have done some really good things for my future with that kind of dough. Needless to say it didnt work out. I am a FIRM believer in 50/50. Not that it has to be dollar for dollar but I aint dropping no $6g on a vacation to the bahamas again. I could have had a tank FULL of corals for that lol.


My man now is good about it all, we split just about everything, but its not an arguement. When we go out I get dinner one night he does the next. Its easy, and makes for a drama free relationship. I make good money, he makes even better and we both spend it on things we like to do. 50/50 may not be for everyone but its works great for us. Personally I think its better that way so no one feels obligated, or like they "owe" that person. Money is the biggest problem in relationships, and if your each putting equal into it then what is there to fight about? Ya know im right! :D I absolutly refuse to have drama in a relationship, been there done that, and SO over it. Keys to a good relationship, being honest no matter what the outcome, giving/getting 50/50, and nookie all the time :) (The last one just makes you a nicer person all round! LOL) Just MO.


haha omg helfrich i love the edit :P


on a side note, i was reading this thread yesterday at my on-again-off-again bf's house, and had that pic of your ring popped up- he was like :huh: ? i nearly fell over laughing... way to scare him- thanks. lol. ;)

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Whats up fraggle havent seen u in awhile. Anyway here's my take on this. Ive been married for 7 years and together for 9. I was married when I was 21 and a dad at 22. The ring I got my wife was not that exspensive, like a 1/2 carart, but thats what I could afford. My wife loves the ring and still wears it even though I bought her a new ring. 1 carat to kinda replace that one because I could finally afford the ring that she wanted and deserved. She doesnt wear the new, but the old one because it came from me and thought from the heart( I feel a tear).

So is it the ring that really matters or the thought behind. I feel the wife deserves a 6 carat ring, but I cannot afford that, need money for reefing:p

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Helfrichs Chick

Yea that ring is SICK. I dont care if its from T&CO, but their quality on diamonds is friggin amazing. It can be from joe schmo, but it better be Top grade. I am talking FL or It and D "grade" baby!

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Yea that ring is SICK. I dont care if its from T&CO, but their quality on diamonds is friggin amazing. It can be from joe schmo, but it better be Top grade. I am talking FL or It and D "grade" baby!


VVS1 color E is how I roll. :P

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wait... aren't engagements supposed to be a surprise? isn't the guy supposed to pop the question and surprise her with a ring? what's this with girls already knowing what ring they want, and the guy buying it for her? maybe I watch too many movies...


when I propose in the future, the girl's not going to know anything about it! I'm not saying I won't buy a really nice one, but I always thought it'd be a special surprise?

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well... maybe its a sign of the times, but marriage isn't just for love anymore... its a business decision, so you go into like you would a business deal and discuss everything first.

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50/50 may not be for everyone but its works great for us. Personally I think its better that way so no one feels obligated, or like they "owe" that person. Money is the biggest problem in relationships, and if your each putting equal into it then what is there to fight about?


this works for me also. split all bills and what is left is ur own. so i dont have to hear it when im out p!ssin money away :D

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I believe you do not need a prenup if you date that person for a while. Several years. You really get to know that person, a person can be fake only for so long, when they slip up then that might be a clue. A prenup is like a slap in a face with a girl you have been for a while, sort of a trust issue i guess. Just my 2 cents.

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Make your gold digging women watch Blood Diamonds and see how big a ring they want after that.


We were engaged when Blood Diamonds came out and while walking out of the theater my then fiancee said "my diamond isn't a blood diamond is it?" and the lady walking out in front of us turned around and said "honey, don't even think about it, just enjoy the rock."


For awesome custom made rings check out here: http://www.jewelryexpert.com/


Her prices on individual stones can't be beat, she's better than NYC diamond district and bluenile. Her artisans are expensive.

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i heard somewhere that less than 1% of diamonds sold in the US are actual conflict diamonds, but there are people that argue that it's symbolic. the taxes you pay for your vanity items, including all diamonds, goes to fund secretly backed wars (yes, the gov't secretly funds wars. who'da thunk it...) around the world, including african conflicts, thus, all diamonds are blood diamonds.


the way i think about it, be happy someone made a sacrifice for your diamond. but again, that's my f*ed up view on life.

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Well the next diamond I buy my wife had better cost the lives of at least 3 african slaves and maybe a chopped off hand or two.

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well... maybe its a sign of the times, but marriage isn't just for love anymore... its a business decision, so you go into like you would a business deal and discuss everything first.



I think I understand my gf enough to know she's still more for the element of surprise and fluff rather than the business deal of it all...

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Make your gold digging women watch Blood Diamonds and see how big a ring they want after that.


We got her's AFTER seeing the movie... =/

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fraggle rockette
We got her's AFTER seeing the movie... =/


i smells a skirt wearer... ;)


















that would be matt. (j/k! dont hate meeees :P )

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wait... aren't engagements supposed to be a surprise? isn't the guy supposed to pop the question and surprise her with a ring? what's this with girls already knowing what ring they want, and the guy buying it for her? maybe I watch too many movies...


when I propose in the future, the girl's not going to know anything about it! I'm not saying I won't buy a really nice one, but I always thought it'd be a special surprise?


The proposal is supposed to be a surprise, not the engagement haha...and I'm a woman if that makes a difference. I wouldn't accept a proposal if engagement and/or marriage had never been mentioned in the relationship. My boyfriend and I are planning on getting engaged, but when/where/how is up to him. Element of surprise is good, just as long as it's not too much of a surprise :lol: . All I can say is if you are going to pick out the ring on your own, pay attention to your girlfriend's hints and her sense of style. Nothing is worse than getting a ring that is not suited to your personality...shows that the guy doesn't know you well enough. ;)

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The proposal is supposed to be a surprise, not the engagement haha...and I'm a woman if that makes a difference. I wouldn't accept a proposal if engagement and/or marriage had never been mentioned in the relationship. My boyfriend and I are planning on getting engaged, but when/where/how is up to him. Element of surprise is good, just as long as it's not too much of a surprise :lol: . All I can say is if you are going to pick out the ring on your own, pay attention to your girlfriend's hints and her sense of style. Nothing is worse than getting a ring that is not suited to your personality...shows that the guy doesn't know you well enough. ;)



I don't htink personality would be a problem, I mean you should probably know that by the time you decide to propose.


But what's the difference between proposal and becoming engaged?

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It is funny to read how much money people will spend on stones that are not rare, not hard to find, and not worth much. DeBeers puts out an ad campaign for the ages and has a bunch of dumb, mindless broads demanding big rocks that are not worth crap. There is a reason a place that sells you a diamond will not buy it back unless you spend a lot more with them...they just scammed you and won't give you your cash back unless you are willing to get scammed a lot more. The best part about the thread is the dumb, mindless broads that call women liars if they don't fall for the whole diamond scam.


The only reason to buy a big diamond is to show it off so you can feel good about yourself and that is pretty pathetic.


BTW - good luck selling the ring! Here is my free bump. :)

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i smells a skirt wearer... ;)

that would be matt. (j/k! dont hate meeees :P )


Pfff please! You saw it at MNS-4, didn't you?? No Tiffany's for you now! :D

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