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wtb nano or micro chiller

Joe b

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Hello all! I'm in need of some help, almost to the point of quitting the hobby. My wife, no matter how hot it is outside has to have the heater on 100. I've been able to dodge a couple bullets for now. I've place 2 large fans on the tank and run AC while she's working. But when I'm at work the heat is on. I've tried to explain about temp swings but to no avail. I just had a candy cane and 2 kenyas pass do to temp. Anywho long story short. I'm in need of a chiller micro or nano. Work is slow, and the engine decided to give up. I don't think I can pull off buying new, so if anyone has one for an affordable price I would so be appreciative and so thank you. If not I fear my short 8 month venture into the great hobby will cease. Thank you

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100?!? I hate to ask this, but is she crazy?? I can't imagine how anyone can COMFORTABLY deal with having the temp at 100... How do YOU deal with this??


Maybe look into a thermo-electric type chiller like a Pacific-Coast, I believe they run cheaper than refridgerant based chillers.

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umm..i hope you are kidding about the temp...are you sure your wife isn't a reptile of some sort ;)..dam thats hot...

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Yeah I think on any givin day I lose about 6 lbs water weight. There's no chance of givin her the boot she's awesome besides the fact of I have to swim in my own sweat. Believe it or not I've never seen her sweat. Umm... Something off there. I'm gonna look around, I think I am more geared to to thermo-elect. Versions. Anyway if ya hear something, holla

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Keep an eye on Ebay. No good deals on there right now in the budget you're looking for, but that can change pretty much daily...


And lower the temp by 1 degree a day or every other day. If she doesn't notice and you can at least knock it down to 80-85F, then you're good as gold. ;) My apartment was 90F yesterday when i got home and it was unbearable!!! I can't possibly see how anyone can tolerate 100... =/

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Its like a real slow cooker! Trying to sleep is the worst. Ill wake up covered in sweat. Straight to the AC I go. At that point I don't even care about the ear full ill get later. I seen a micro chiller in marine depots mag, but at 150 its still high! Just a little. Who know it would be this hard to keep 3 gallons cool! Its nuts

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QUOTE(Joe b @ Jul 19 2007, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Its like a real slow cooker! Trying to sleep is the worst. Ill wake up covered in sweat. Straight to the AC I go. At that point I don't even care about the ear full ill get later. I seen a micro chiller in marine depots mag, but at 150 its still high! Just a little. Who know it would be this hard to keep 3 gallons cool! Its nuts


That's brutal!! But anywho, 3 gallon tank?? Have you taken a look at the hang-on-back ICA chiller from Nanotuners?? I had one on my 12g Aquapod back when I had it set up, and it did fine for me. It should serve your 3g tank well I'd imagine. But shoot them an email explaining your situation and see what their thoughts are on that chiller. It's $80! B)

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That's brutal!! But anywho, 3 gallon tank?? Have you taken a look at the hang-on-back ICA chiller from Nanotuners?? I had one on my 12g Aquapod back when I had it set up, and it did fine for me. It should serve your 3g tank well I'd imagine. But shoot them an email explaining your situation and see what their thoughts are on that chiller. It's $80! -------------------- good look! Thanks, I'm gonna check that out. No not kidding its that hot. Its crazy

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yeah thats a bit much!

my garage only gets to 95 on the hotter days soo far and i can only stand to be in there for an hour tops

i dont sweat much because the humidity in there is fairly high but i can feel my body just ready to burst in sweat! lolcome on fellas, no one has anything lying around thinking you might set something up later but more than likely not?

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That sucks. You may want to do some research before you spend your money though. I know those ICA type chillers are much less efficient when the ambient temp is high. It may be enough for 3 gallons anyway. Just something to think about. Also, if your wife isn't sweating when it's 100 degrees she should really see a doctor. High temperatures and no cooling from sweat is a formula for heat stroke.

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That sucks. You may want to do some research before you spend your money though. I know those ICA type chillers are much less efficient when the ambient temp is high. It may be enough for 3 gallons anyway. Just something to think about. Also, if your wife isn't sweating when it's 100 degrees she should really see a doctor. High temperatures and no cooling from sweat is a formula for heat stroke.


Since not much info is posted on them, I guess a lot of people are mis-informed on the ICAs. Yes they are small and not nearly as efficient as other thermo-electric chillers, but you can't expect too much from a "2x"2 square TEC and heatsink. ;) I was the first customer to purchase the AP12g ICA, and the 2nd to install it. Since I had a unique situation, I worked with Chris @ Nanotuners over the course of 2 weeks to essentially beta-test the AP12g ICA for him in a real world home application. I was living in another 2nd story HOT apartment with just a wall A/C across the room at that time. Initially I wasn't getting the results from the ICA that were claimed by NT. But over talking with him and trying different things, we ironed out the bugs and came up with the best installation proceedure for the most optimal cooling setup for it. Anywho, during the course of the testing, Chris set up an AP12g in their warehouse garage where the ambient temp is around 100 in the summer. He still observed a pull-down to 85F degrees with the ICA in the tank using the standard 8.4v power supply. Now while 85 is on the warm side, that's still pretty close to the temp that many reefs observe in the summer months, and as long as the temp is constant between 84-85, then there shouldn't be many if any negative affects. I know of at least one reef in the South Pacific that has online 24/7 public monitoring and the temps were around 84.5F when I'd look at it, so we know that reefs absolutely get that hot.


All ICAs except for the AP12g one (thanks to my test results with Chris) have the option for a 12v 4500mA high power Power Supply which achieve 2-3 degree lower temp pull-downs than the standard 8.4v power supply that comes standard.

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Thanks for all the info. I did check out nanotuners and thinking of going for their super small unit. Right now the money is tight. Our jeep decided to through out a rod or two, so I had to go but a new engine for 1400, but like they say life comes at you fast, they mean it. Oh yeah doin it in 100 doesn't happen. The AC gets on as low as it can go for a good half hour before we get heated up. Thanks again. And if you guys see something keep me posted. PM if ya need to, sometimes I'm sweatsleeping! Lol. Happy reefing!



Oh fatex9, about the upgrade or bigge tank, I don't think anytime so, landlord is a jerk. But I might try to sneak a 24, maybe!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just installed the ICA in a New Oceanic 14. But I've only gotten a 1.5 degree pulldown, from 87.7 to 86.2. THis unit has a fan to move air around the heat sinc and i have it pulling air out, going to uninstall and change the flow of air into the heat sync to see if I get a better response... Unit has been on for 20 hours..... but i'm not impressed right now.


Any suggestions? Thanks !

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Something that I've been told by Chris @ Nanotuners, is that the ICA can require up to (not necessary that much time, but UPTO that amount of time given ambient temps) to be working at optimal capacity.

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Are you freaking serious man?!! Is your wife Satan? you should move to central valley of Ca for a summer home and you won't have to worry about heating bills. :D Is her dream vacation a trip to the sun.

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i would rather get a refrigerent style kind of chiller. I would think the ica isnt what you are looking for seeing you "ambient" temps.

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