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Small Anthias in 46 gal?


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So im gettin a new reef tank to add to the other ones i already i have, right now i have a 18 gal hex,36 gal corner bowfront from AGA and 5 gal all reef. my next tank thats comin in a few days is a oceanic 46 gal bowfront aquarium thats goin 2 be a reef 2. i know puttin any anthias in a small tank like that is kinda touchy subject but i just want some opinions. so wat u guyz think?? ;)

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anthias are NOT beginners fish. Most require daily feedings and keeping the params stable in a small tank is going to be difficult. Of course if you do research i would reccomend some of the smaller and hardier ones such as the sunburst anthias.


just my .02

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Research comes before all things when it comes to reef keeping but from what i read sunburst dont really like mh lighting. i was leanin towards a ventralis or maybe a bartlets.???

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i'm not so sure about those two species. If you can get a hold of it "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, by Robert Fenner" has a great section on anthias

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Thanks if i cant have any anthias in my new reef tank thats fine the health of the animal comes first. ill keep lookin though.

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It is certainly possible and they are extremely beautiful. I was merely saying that these animals require more research and dedication than most

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