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Can I have a cleaner shrimp with


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Hi All,


I really want to get a cleaner shrimp, but I have a pair of Saddleback Clowns and I was told by the LFS guy that they might eat the cleaner shrimp for dinner. The largest Clown is around 3.5 inches and has teeth. Has anyone had any experience with this?





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  • 2 weeks later...

no worries, the cleaner shrimp will be fine IMO. The clowns might try to push it back if it gets too close, but the shrimp won't be a snack :) I used to have one with a pair of clarkii and the shrimp would get on the clown to ''clean'' them lol. Very funny to see

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most all fish know not to attack skunk cleaner shrimp because they know that they clean. that's why groupers and other beasties don't go for them, they know how benificial they are. but if you want to take a precaution, get a bigger one. but then it won't display it's cleaning behavior as much. After a certain point they kinda stop cleaning and just become scavengers. although with bigger fish, they might still clean. just what I've heard.

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