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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Opinions on these Tanks???


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Hi Everyone --- I have a few tank setups that I have been looking at and it would be very helpful if anyone has ever owned one of these who knows anything about these tanks. Good and bad comments are fine! Reallyy appreciate the help !! nklieman









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If you're willing to pay that much for a tank with a sump in the back, probably not a bad tank. You might (depending on what kind of corals you want to keep) have to retrofit some better lighting on them. Also, I think most people on this board would agree with me that you would probably be better off making the external sump into a refugium and not filling them with bio-media. Built in protein skimmer would be good if it works.


It would be more helpful if you let us know exactly what you were thinking about keeping in the tank (fish, corals, inverts).


If I were starting a nano between 10g-20g like you seem to be and wanted a sump-in-back kind of thing, I would have one custom-made at a glass shop. It will be much cheaper and you can get exactly what you want. Buy the tank, figure out what modifications you would want, and tell the glass shop. They should be able to do it. The whole thing shouldn't cost you more than $75 (for an AGA tank) depending on what you want to have done to the tank.

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I bought the sea cube 16 and am really pleased with it. It's a beatiful tank and hides the pump, heater, and skimmer. Only a couple of things that I had to change:

came with JBJ 18 watt light that I upgraded to 32 watt*2

skimmer is co-current so not that greater (air pump that comes with it sucks)

return pump is rio 180 (upgraded to rio 600 for greater flow rate)


make sure you get a narrow heater like one of the hagen thermal compacts because a Ebo Jager won't fit in the back...



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