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Coral Vue Hydros

My horrific luck with fish lately.....


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Okay..just want to vent these little frustrations here...need to get them off my chest. First off..the situation with fish in my nano...ugh. I HAD 2 Ocellaris and a Mandarin in it (the Mandarin was eating prepped foods and everything...had actually put on mass in the 4 months I'd had it in there). These both passed on when I left my tank in the care of a family member for a week while I was out of town. I also lost my Lettuce Nudibranch and my Peppermint Shrimp in the incident..but surprisingly..whatever happened didn't affect any of my corals or other inverts..go figure. My water chemistry was fine when I arrived back home. So...to make myself feel better..I had to go fish shopping. Didn't see anything I liked for my nano..since I want to stock it with something spectacular (well..as spectacular as you can get in a nano..lol) and I just couldn't find anything. But I did buy a Puddingwife wrasse for my 85. A nice little 3 inch juvenile. It was in the tank less than 24 hours before I found its dessicated little body on the floor. Damn jumping fish. Ugh..so right now I'm batting 1.000 with fish...which is driving me buggy..because I enjoy keeping corals..but the tank just lacks action that only fish can provide.


Just had to vent...

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I don't think there's anything you can do about fish jumping out. I came home yesterday to find my red fairy wrasse missing from my eclipse 12 gallon. I looked everywhere, and found him lying on the floor, all crispy and covered with lint. He actually found the only 2"x2" vertical hole in the back of the lid where the cords come out. I couldn't believe it. I'll never spend more that $20 for a fish now.

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