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Conches in the hobby...


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Well.. here's a new one for me. My LFS had "Cultured Conches" for sale and to me they look exactly like Strombus alatus aka. Fight Conch.


Not so surprising.. they didn't know any scientific names or any other common names other than they received them as. Another surprise to me was they claimed the conches were predatory towards corals. I hadn't heard of any species of conch actually eating corals so I've brushed that info aside and bought one anyways. :D (The tank they're in doesn't have corals, no problem)


I'm almost sure they're really fighting conches, but... what other species of Conch have you guys seen available in the hobby?


I can only think of two Strombus gigas and alatus. I know in Florida(and i'm sure other areas) there are several species that are being cultured including costatus and raninus.


Any other insight?

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Locally, I've only seen fighting, queen and atlantic.


As for them eating coral, I have 2 queen and everythings fine. They do a great job of getting the hard to reach places free of algae.

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Yeah the queen's are algae grazers and will clib the glass and rocks.


Fighting conch's will stay in the sand bed and cause no harm. Detritus eaters.


Found another ones kinda common... Horse Conch? They have a reddish foot so that's definately not it.


I can't seem to find any others related to the hobby that these can be. I might have to put one in my nano and watch if he tries to eat anything. :x

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