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Macro lens' are cool


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My father just got a set of lens' for his digital cam so i thought i would post a couple macro shots. Unfortunately i could only get good shots of objects pretty close to the glass since there is no zoom or manual focus on his camera. Anyways, heres a couple of my first attempts. Enjoy.

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Damn you people with macro lenses!


Those are some sweet pics, dude.


I'm setting up that pic of the blue leg to be my pocketpc Today screen.

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Yeah Caj, i like that one too. When i saw him crawling around near the glass i nearly killed myself when i ran upstairs to grab the camera and get a shot in time. :D :D

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Its a Hewlett Packard Photosmart 230 I believe. Not the greatest camera in the world but it takes halfway decent photos. The lens i was using was an 18x macro lens (unsure of the manufacturer).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a couple of shots I just recently got of my elusive (but becoming more and more bold) Peppermint shrimp. I just picked up a really nice emerald crab as well and hope to get some good close ups of him too real soon.

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