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Ich treatment


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So, I added my first fish to my reef on Wednesday, and things are not looking that good. On Saturday, I saw the first signs of Ich on him. Saturday night, I watched in fasination as my cleaner shirmp picked away at the ich. Sunday morning all external signs of infection were gone, and only one new spot appeared as the day went on. So, after doing some research, I read that some people have used garlic extract to treat ich. So, off to the fish store....


A little about my setup. I have a 12 gal, with a handful of softcoral and LPS. Still just starting so there is not a whole lot in the tank. The fish in question is a flame angel.


So, my question is has anyone had any luck with garlic and a cleaner shrimp as Ich treatment? My apartment is so small that setting up a quarintine for 4-6 weeks is not a very good option, but if I have to....


(Please avoid a flame war about the suitability of Flame angles in a small tank. I know, I know. Got suckered into it by my LFS. It is just too cool of a fish.)




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  • 3 weeks later...

I too have the same problem. : .


I was looking at my fish as I fed them last night and noticed a few white dots on my Coral BeautyAngelfish's face. At this moment I ran to my computer and told my normal board about my problem (www.saltwaterfish.com). When I told them off the symptoms they immediatley diagnosed it with ICH. So in a hurry I was up all night chatting with experts on what to do. They told em the only thing I could do is of course quarentine him and the two other fish. So I had a ten gallon which had some FW fish in it into my 29 Gallon which has only one fish. Cleaned out the tank and went to bed. The next morning I awoke to more white spots. Thus I was in a hurry and did a 1/3 tank water change of my 37 gallon. I took this water and poured it and 1.5 cups of CC into the ten gallon... this was my QT/HT now and what my angel and two pers would soon call home.


So really I would take a shot over to www.saltwaterfish.com and go onto their msessage boards. they helped me out with the very same trouble you are having now.


Good Luck

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a 6 inch Naso tang, As you all know im sure .. That Tangs are ich magnets ..


Garlic helps alot.. i soak all my food in Garlic as well as cleanershirmp.. they do Wonders.. Not only for just ich but for other crap.. my cleaners are allways allover my Tang..


As for the ich its self.. It does come out only in fish, and it has a life span of 6 weeks once present.. Ideally stress will bring it out in fish.. So what you wnat to do it prevent it is to keep the fish stress free. Now my Naso will get it one min and gone a couple of hours on his own.. how im not sure.. but they do that somtimes.

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