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snails that eat hair algae


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What snail will eat hair algae?

I have ass. snails and turbo snails but they really dont eat the hair algae. any suggestions?

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My turbos ignored my hair algae for the longest time, then one day they started mowing it down. Not sure what changed their mind. Now, not a single strand.

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I'm in the same boat - hair algae like mad. I had the tank cycling with live rock for 4 weeks and mistakenly left my light on as if I had corals in there. I could pull the hair algae out by the fist.


Friday I added a cleanup crew.. 12 astraea snails, 12 blue legged hermits, and 12 red legged hermits. Not much was happening.. so I went to the LFS and got 6 big turbos (which he said I can return to him) and they've cut the algae down by about 60% now.


Anyone need turbos? I'll have to get rid of them soon. 6 turbos in a 24g is a bit of overkill... haha

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most algae eating snails will eat HA, but the catch is the HA has to be short, if it gets too long they wont touch it.

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Scott Riemer
Anyone need turbos? I'll have to get rid of them soon. 6 turbos in a 24g is a bit of overkill... haha

Where you at? I could use a few.


My trochus snails haven't touched it.

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I have 2 turbos and for the longest time they didn't go near the ha and I physically out them where the algea was most at and now two days later nothing

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  • 2 weeks later...
I added a lettuce nudibranch and 2 days later no algae anywhere in my tank.



Wont they attack your Coral too?

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Ive seen my fighting conch eat every bit of HA he can reach. Every time I add new live rock, I leave it on the sand for a month or so, so he can reach what ever algae appears. So IMO a fighting conch is a must have for appropriately sized tanks. Mine is in a 24g nano-cube and seems to be happy.

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