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macro algae in main tank


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Looking for a good macro for decoration only in main tank (20g)


Any suggestions? Any suppliers? I'll pay.





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Personally I think feather of caulerpa prolifera look great in the main tank. Definately stay away from grape.


Chaetomorpha also does well and you can stick is somewhere off to the side.

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Legal? Probably not..


You can usually get any of the above through ebay though.


If not there... you might try floridapets.com or inlandaquatics.com

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The feather (mexicana, taxifolia, etc..) are illegal in CA, but many still use it. Just be careful what you do with it when you throw it out.


The Chaetomorpha is not but it doesnt look like a feather more like a sos pad.

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I will add my .02 too. Grape will grow nearly as fast as you can pull it out. I have some in my 2.5g and I have to harvest it once or twice a week. I yank as much out as I can see and it grows back in a couple of days.

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I don't mind pruning...but does it look good and is it safe? i.e. will it do ANY harm to fish/coral?



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If you don't prune it it will cover every inch of your rock and corals. Keep it pruned and you are fine. I like the way it looks. It branches all over though so you can't really tell it where to go. I use hemoceps to prune it from the rock. Sticking my hand in the 2.5g causes an overflow.

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If you don't prune it it will cover every inch of your rock and corals. Keep it pruned and you are fine. I like the way it looks. It branches all over though so you can't really tell it where to go. I use hemoceps to prune it from the rock. Sticking my hand in the 2.5g causes an overflow.

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Where in OC are you. I've got grape, tax, prolifera in abundance in my 'fuge, and a little Chaetomorpha too.


u want some, I'm in the IE.


PM me if you're innerested.


....forgot to mention, trimming it this weekend.

Before anyone yells, what I don't give to the LFS, I use as mulch for my Bonsai.... :rolleyes:

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What kind of macro is this? I can't find an ID for it. It has grown into a great looking clump, and hasn't broken or spread wildly. And I think it is doing wonders keeping water quality good. with 2 fish and a fully stocked tank, I have minimal algae, and only have to do water changes every 2-3 weeks.

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Taxifolia is some nasty stuff. Very good reason it's illegal in California. It grows like the worst weed ever. Only a small fragment of the stuff is enough to take over an entire coast. They apparently have used concentrated bleach treatment to kill it off to prevent it's spread.


There was a pretty neat PBS special about it pretty recently.



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Halimeda looks nice but unlike most other macroalgaes it doesn't grow as fast and is mostly dependant on calcium unlike the other ones which depend mostly on nutrients.

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Halimeda all the way. Correct, it doesn't grow as fast (although mine grows like weeds and needs constant pruning). Point is, you don't want too fast of growth. I know of too many people that either purposely placed caulerpa taxifolia/mexicana/feather in their tanks and ended up scrapping the entire tank shortly after due to EXCESSIVE growth that takes over the whole tank. Some people accidently get some with corals and have to either try to keep up with it or sumise to the destruction (Crakeur can chime in on this one at any time). Don't get me wrong, caulerpa is great for a sump/refugium but should be kept there.


The stuff that Yup has is great also (mine grows around the same rate as the Halimeda). Sorry Yup, I don't have an ID for ya, and have stumped quite a few experts when I asked them about it, so we will just call it "red bubble stuff". This will add some nice red to your tank. The funny thing is that I thought it was some sort of anenome when I first saw it. Psst, clown host alert if you don't want to buy an anenome, this stuff is easy to keep alive and doesn't move around.


These woould be my first choices. There are some other nice varieties but these are my favorites.


Here is some of my hlimeda next to some of the "red bubble stuff"

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I have some caulerpa. I forget the species. It's not the bubble one, but a leafy one. Leaves are zig-zag and serrated. Have to prune it weekly. If I don't, and it touches the sand bed, it shoots out deep roots that are a pain in the butt to take out without making a mess.


The mat of caulerpa serves as home to my green clown goby, which unfortunately gets too well camuflaged among the algae.

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It is a great looking macro. It doesn't seem to spread wildly, and it grows at a manageable rate. Its been about 3 months since I took that picture and it has only grew to the size of a billiards ball. I seperated some rocks it grew onto to try and get some more clumps to spread around and put in another tank that I will have to start shortly. My Xenia and polyps are growing sooo good I want another small tank just to prop them. I'm thinking about proping this stuff in there too b/c someone in my main tank likes to eat it when its really small (the macro). I just wish I knew what it was???

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Originally posted by LiQuiD

Some people accidently get some with corals and have to either try to keep up with it or sumise to the destruction (Crakeur can chime in on this one at any time).  Don't get me wrong, caulerpa is great for a sump/refugium but should be kept there.



Ding Ding Ding. I've chimed in.


Just got the scoop on my new tank - paying 18% above cost.


I had one blade of a caulerpa strand that went ballistic in my tank. I was pulling a cup a week out of the tank and eventually gave up. Satchmo has whatever corals could be salvaged and the tank is sitting and waiting ot be replaced.


Do not put a fast growing macro in the main tank. Way too risky.

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This and the next post are the closest I can find to this macro. Its called Scinaia Aborealis. Tell me if you think it close enough.

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