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My shroom never attaches...


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I got a green metallic shroom about a month ago. I let him free-float until he was healthy from shipping. Then I tried the LR rubble in tupperware method with veil on top. That didn't work for over two weeks. Then I tried to place him somewhere in the tank where he wouldn't be blown away, but that didn't work. Then I tried to directly veil him to a piece of LR for over a week... That didn't work.... Then I tried to super-glue him to a piece of LR, hoping he would attach on his own before he slimed off the super glue.... after about 3 days, he floated away.


Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this little bastard to attach to something?

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needle & thread. Its the easiest way for me.


Just stick it with a needle & thread and tie it down to a small rock. Once it grabs ahold you can super glue that little rock where you want it.


Keep it away from a high flow zone until it grabs otherwise the thread will tear through with all the movment.

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You can also put a small bowl in your tank with some rock chips or gravel. Let it attach to a small piece of substrate in the bowl then glue that piece onto a larger rock.

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Hey, I'll try the needle and thread idea. Thats a pretty good one. I'll tell you how it goes, definately.

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hehe, I have to little Yuma polyps drifting around my 5.5... I had the same problem as you.

I havent seen one in about 2 weeks, so maybe it has attached back there or something. I moved the other to a spot in my 55 where there is very little flow. I sort of wedged him into a hole that was tight. Im hoping he'll set up shop there and just...grow.

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yeah wedging them in a hole works too and BTW ricordia are no different to regular shrooms when it comes to attaching or detaching.

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My shroom finally attached to something.... two pieces of sand....


I threaded him to a rock just now, and am leaving him that way while I go on my 3 week journey tomorrow. I hope all goes well.

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