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Coral Vue Hydros

12g Nano Cube Dx for sale or trade


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I have (2) Nano-cube Dx aquariums for sale or trade.


Here's the story: My wife currently has a large saltwater aquarium and has recently expressed great desires for a "nano" tank to put in the living room. I was out at the LFS and found 2 nano cubes for what I thought was a great deal. I don't believe either have ever been used since they are in perfect condition. I think they were in the "used" section since neither has a lid. I was told that we could just add a halogen light instead.


Well... my wife really wants an enclosed tank. So I am looking to trade one of these tanks for a lid, or trade both for a different enclosed tank or just sell both and purchase a biocube.


Neither have filters, but both tanks do have the hinge clips and canopy leg stands. If you have a good trade let me know. I'll sell them individually for $70, or $120 for both.


Also, we are looking for some cool coral frags and would be willing to trade for them as well.



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Are you willing to mail it to CA? and what would be the shipping cost? Did you know you could purchase the hood separately to make it an enclosed tank?

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Are you willing to mail it to CA? and what would be the shipping cost? Did you know you could purchase the hood separately to make it an enclosed tank?


I would rather someone pick it up, but I can ship it and I would charge the actual shipping price.


There are very few sites that only sell the canopy and they charge almost the same price as a complete new tank. But if you've seen one that I've missed, please let me know.


Here are some pictures:




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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this has received much less attention than I had thought it would. I still would like to sell them and they are igreat condition. Would anyone be interested in both for $90?

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