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possible pico reef...


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well, i really want to start a pico/small nano tank, approx. 8-10 gallons. i'm not sure that this would be considered a pico tank, but i saw some pico tanks around 6 gallons... i really want to get a crocea clam to be the main display of the tank. i wanted to know what a good enough light would be for this clam (as CHEAP as possible, preferably, nothing over $75 canadian, approx. $60 US. I also wanted to know what some of the basics are for having a pico. also which filters are a good choice (as well CHEAP and same as before around $75 Canadian, $60 US MAX.) this tank is going to be a while away, right now i am just starting to plan out what i want, how much it will cost, and where in my room it will go.... thanks!


o, and what a good skimmer (i was looking at the Current USA Fission Nano Skmmer) would be...

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well, i really want to start a pico/small nano tank, approx. 8-10 gallons. i'm not sure that this would be considered a pico tank, but i saw some pico tanks around 6 gallons... i really want to get a crocea clam to be the main display of the tank. i wanted to know what a good enough light would be for this clam (as CHEAP as possible, preferably, nothing over $75 canadian, approx. $60 US. I also wanted to know what some of the basics are for having a pico. also which filters are a good choice (as well CHEAP and same as before around $75 Canadian, $60 US MAX.) this tank is going to be a while away, right now i am just starting to plan out what i want, how much it will cost, and where in my room it will go.... thanks!


o, and what a good skimmer (i was looking at the Current USA Fission Nano Skmmer) would be...


cant do it........not for 75....not a clam anyhoo.....


your best bet is to just get water into a tank..youll be cycling for atleast a month if you really wanna keep a clam


i havent heard good things about the fission.....for the same amount you can get a SKILTER and just add an airstone...


ive been running mine for over 5 years,


mines got neat stickers on it! modded w/ an airstone and has a surface skimmer!


it sucks nicotine out of the air!!


after the cycle you can think about what you wanna keep......


and dont be cheap with lighting!! corals grow 5 times faster under a good halide

you get what you pay for keep in mind.....

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3 gallons and under is considered Pico.


and clam usually runs 35 or more alone. if your going to do a clam tank, i recommend at least a 20gal or bigger. they filter feed all the time, and need a steady supply of food.


if your going smaller, do a zoanthid/soft coral tank for PC lighting, or you can get a 70MH and do an sps tank, but it would look odd. (big light, little tank, lol)


good luck! and read!

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would it be possible in a 29 gallon hexagon? i have been asking some clam people and they say that a smaller tank is possible... i might be able to just splurge a little and buy a HQI light, the people on the site clamsdirect.com say that the possible clams i could house without MH lighting is squamosa and derasa clams... they both looked beautiful. they also said i would need a sump an refugium. i guess i could get a small refugium built, but what exactaly is a sump?... thanks!


my clam discussion: http://www.clamsdirect.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2225

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i have kinda abandoned having a clam tank. i have moved on to SEAHORSES! does anyone have any good seahorse sites/forums???

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www.reefcentral.com has a seahorse section, but if u go to the members aquariums or general discussion sections, im sure u can find help there...I think a few ppl have seahorses on here



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