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What is a good sand sifting blenny?


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Off the top of my head, I can think of blue spotted jawfish, yellow headed sleeper goby. I haven't had one of these, but some people don't like the sand that gets all over their rock and corals. They are cool to watch, though.

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deacon hemp

Hey reefphreak if you want a super cool fish and have enough room for fish and bioload and it's a siffter go with a pink and blue spotted watchman gobie or yellow watchman they have tons of personality and sift like mad,almost too much!they also watch you for long periods of time which is cool imo.they get kinda long thou.4 inchs


p.s. i forgot they can pair up with a pistol shrimp another cool trait!!

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mine hids out all day. when he does decide to come out he just watches me like he kick my @$$ if he were bigger. i'm thinking he need a firend but i won't get him one until after i wove at the end of this week. (oh the horrors of moving 12 tanks in one week!)

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I've had sleepers and diamond gobies before. Niether lasted more than 4-6 months. I later found out that they are notorious for not doing well unless you've got a ton of live in your sand bed. The only goby that will take flake food and survive off of it, as sift like a mother (IME) is the banded goby or dragon goby.

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Yah, I heard the same thing before about yellow sleeper gobies, but mine takes shrimp pellets, bloodworms, krill, and the works whenever I feed. :P

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Oops, sorry for overlooking that... so after approx 4-6 weeks they just became listed and wasted away? How sad... any other gobies you've heard of that survive aside from the banded and dragon gobies?

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I didn't even notice a wasting.....they just croaked!


The guys in SD at aquatic warehouse (were I got my first 2 gobies....sleeper and diamond) said they require a well established sand bed. I think mine was still pretty new, it worked great as a DSB, but lacked the worms and critters for them to survive.


When I moved to P'land, the LFS guy here said he stocks both sleepers and dragons/bandeds, but will only sell a sleeper to someone with an established bed (this guy is a riot and I totally see him having a customer fill out a questionare on how established their sand is). He said the dragons/bandeds work in any tank, cuz they can survive on "added" foods

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onthefly... I wish more LFSs were that way... most will sell you just about anything without asking what your setup is... although you should really do your research before buying anything, it's still sad to see someone sell a fish or coral without asking "Are you fully aware of the requirements and competent to care for this creature?" I'd rather have someone lecture me on the specific care of something then me take it home and watch it wither away... I hope that LFS guy stays in business, and doesn't change the way he does it...

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OntheFly -


Nice, P'land.. my sis lives there.. and I've been several times.. sounds like you've got a great LFS giving consumers the education they need prior to purchasing saltwater goods :blush:


Hrm, My yellow sleeper's been around for 3 mos... and I move next month.. LoL, hope he doesn't bite it :)

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I've seen my share of LFS where "a lion fish would go great with that little clown fish in your 5ga". This guys store in P'land is good, he doesn't stock as much as AW in San Diego, but he never overstocks! So everthing looks really healthy. Also SPSFrags is about 5 blocks from my house so I've been emailing patrick about getting some stuff from him!


JT- how far are you moving? I made it 1000 miles over 2 days with a fatality.....so if I can help let me know!

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Well, I'm moving from Newfoundland to British Columbia :blush:

I guess that constitutes >3000 miles or so.. LoL, I remember when I came to school here in Nfld from Southern Cal... granted I didn't drive (but it was supposed to be >5500 miles)... and finally I'm returning back to the west coast... only 2 hr flight from home :P and FINALLY I'll be in a location where there isn't only 1 LFS so you get royally yanked up the *** on prices of anything ;)

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I thought I had culture shock moving from So Cal to Oregon (the worst/slowest drivers in the world state), but So Cal to Nfld!!!! Then to BC!!! I think I'd still wear shorts year round!


Are you going to have you fish cryogenically preserved til after the move?:D

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Yep, my sis lives in Portland.. it's a great place up there... I've been a few times over the years... always amazes me how clean things are downtown with the fountains and all... must be the only place where they're actually steam cleaning the streets during the rain :P


Yah, I wish I could preserve my tank... gonna have to sell it.. as a whole for sure.. I'd hate to break it up... it's my 1st nano, but it's done so well and haven't had any problems... just get a bit irritated at times with my ADHD scallop which is constantly spitting water out of the back while trying to position itself in the best possible area under the filter.. grrrrrrr


But in BC I'm planning on starting a bigger reef tank... people keep telling me I won't have time for ANYthing starting residency, but I keep telling them there's ALWAYS time for a reef... and that it's 100% mandatory.

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I think I already welcomed you to BC on the Canreef BBS.


When I met my wife, who is originally from S Cal(Yucaipa), she was living in Seattle and I was living in Toronto. We both moved to Ottawa, where we lived for 3 years, until we were able to relocate here in White Rock, BC... right at the US border (just in case we have to flee - LOL)


Have you adjusted to life in Canada?



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Hey there Noel,


Yes, thanks again for the welcome... well, imagine my first four years in Canada being in Newfoundland... quite the experience including snow for 6+ months of the year.. and I'm sure far from what things are like on the mainland... but I am definitely looking fwd to relocating back to the west coast so that I'm close to my sis (Portland, OR) and the rest of my family in SoCAL. I've heard of White Rock quite a bit.. especially when I was in Vancouver last September doing a 1-month elective at Vancouver General... so it's right smack on the border? How do you find the change in weather now that you're out west compared to Ottawa *brrrrrrrrrrrrr* :P



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