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Coral Vue Hydros

Prop tank beginnings


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ok I have begun building my prop tank from a 10 gallon AGA fresh tank that i had at home.


the square box is going to house cheato.



here you can see the levels





my 150 watt sunpod should be here tomorrow and hopefully by the end of the weekend i can have the back painted and water in it :D

my HOB filer is rated at 330GPH and will house LRR and whatever else i feel like putting in it

In the tank on the left between levels i an putting the stock 12 gallon AP pump i had kicking around


Still debating a remora skimmer and if i do that i will have to mod my upper level to allow for it but i haven't made my mind up on that

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thanks Mvite talked me in to the 150 (not that it took much arm twisting)

I have seen a few SPS i would like to have so might as well


I debated picking up a 20L at petco today but as I already had my ground floor cut and the legs glued on i said to hell with it.

I have enjoyed every second of building this.

I even went so far as to grind down all the edges to make it look better knowing that myself and my lady are the only ones ever going to be close enough to view it lol

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Not as of yet but i did make the legs tall enough to add some if i felt it was needed.

The cheapo walmart filter i picked up has 2 seprate compartments in it so i am going to have one side completel filled with rubble.

in the other compartment i am going to periodically run phosban and other stuff if needed

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One Eyed Bunny

Awesome idea. I love the two-tiered system you have going. Would you mind me burrowing the design and modifying it a bit?


I'm thinking that the base would be a full section like you have now. The second tier would be wider than what you have. Maybe two or three squares wider at the top, just enough to get your hand into the lower tier.


The chaetomorpha box is cool, but the problem with that is it seems too large. By cutting the box down by 1/3 you'll gain roughly 2 to 3 more squares of tier one.


You could even remove the box all together and use a second cheap filter as the house for the chaetomorpha which would increase your possible prop space.

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the filter isnt really wide enough to convert to a HOb fuge plus i Plan on using the entire top using a few of the squares on top of the box to house frags to make up for the spaces i lose.

Yea use any idea you want.

the box is 5x 5 and 3 inches tall

I could go 3 x 3 and 5 inchs or so tall

But i plan on sticking plugs in the top and the left facing grid so for now i will leave it be

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I think that was the post he was referring to---the one sent by co-workers!! LOL!!


Good job man----it's about time!!!


Very nice work on the crate---I should have you consult on mine. Seems like you really maximized space!


Get cuttin, boy!!!

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Sunpod should be here today!!!

Took the day off from work to get some krylon fusion for the back and to give everything one last cleaning before mixing up the salt water.

Also need to make a trip to my LFS for some rubble.

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What do you guys feel about painting the egg crate to match the background color?

I plan on painting the back and bottom of my tank so i figured i would paint the stagging to make it kind of blend in a bit ya know?

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One Eyed Bunny

So long as the paint won't leech I'd say you're free to do whatever you want. It's your tank and if you think it'll look better, and have the time, go for it!

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home depot usually does... but that's here in Canada.


paint doesn't belong INside the aquarium. because the eggcrate is plastic, it won't take long for coraline will grow over it. plus the white plugs should hide the colour of the white eggcrate.


btw, i'm "stealing" your design \and incorporating it into my 16g. :)



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btw, i'm "stealing" your design \and incorporating it into my 16g. :)



nice take pictures





here is the next stage



I just picked up 5 gallons of saltwater r/o from my LFS also 2 pounds of LRR


Next i have to cut the HOB pipe to allow for the stagging.

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light is here and 9 gallons of water have been added

2 pounds of LRR are in the filter

Current water temp is 78 degrees



Holy hell does that thing look blue.

Pretty sure I am going to order a 10K bulb and use the 14K for Picture purposes only


In a couple of weeks i will toss in some cheato and hopefully my first frags :)


oh don't mind the cheato cage blowing around in the tank I have not anchored it and the pump is sitting in its final location so for now it roams free.

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nice enraged, now you got me wanting to turn the extra 10AGA tank in my basement into a prop tank.


its so easy to do I honestly do not see why everyone doesnt have one.

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Are you getting good flow with the powerhead and the HOB. Are you still planning on the skimmer? Looks like you probably wont need one.

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yea at the moment my flow is actually a bit to much. but i am keeping it like that for a couple of days. Then i will order something smaller and more wattage efficient. also i am going to have to rig up some fans to blow across


the surface as it was 80 yesterday after maybe 3 hours and the ambient room temp and only like 75. so on a hot day i can see it being a bit off trouble

Might switch to something like a Mini-jet 404 or maybe a Rio 180 for cross current.

Still uncertain about a skimmer i would like to keep some of the more picky SPS so down the road i will end up having to add one.

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